
1.2 - Cruise Report: Verification Survey MV DP Star

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Prior to the commencement of dredging activities involved in the recovery of phosphates from the Sandpiper-1 (SP-1) marine deposit off the Namibian coast, Namibian Marine Phosphate (NMP)commissioned a marine 'verification survey' which was undertaken by Lwandle Technologies. This verification survey was carried out from the vessel MV DP Star from the 24th of July until the 4th of August 2013. This component of the marine survey focused on the sampling of sediments and the water column at the verification sites and monitoring sites (identified as reference and impact sites) situated across the NMP Mining Licence Area, with specific reference to the primary dredge target area SP-1. Due to adverse weather conditions the collection of benthos samples from secondary dredge targets SP-2 and SP-3, which fall outside the planned 20-year mine plan, could not be undertaken. On completion of this component of the verification assessment Lwandle Technologies, through the review of Dr Robin Carter, will provide an evaluation of the impacts of the proposed dredging activities on the marine environment.

Series Title:
Sandpiper Project: Verification Programme Report: Mining Licence Area no. 170. Volume 2, Section D - Appendices: Appendix 1 - 1.0 Water column and sedimentary environment. Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd
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