scientific research

Systematic investigation to establish facts or principles concerning a specific scientific subject. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 2079 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mausfeld P, Vences M, Schmitz A, Veith M 2000. First Data on the Molecular Phylogeography of Scincid Lizards of the Genus Mabuya. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 17 (1) 11-14
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Molecular Phylogeography of Scincid Lizards.pdf 57.49 KB
Michez D, Eardley C 2007. Monographic revision of the bee genus Melitta Kirby 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.): International Journal of Entomology 43 (4) 379-440
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Monographic revision of the bee genus Melitta Kirby 1802.pdf 6.33 MB
Webb PI, Skinner JD 1994. The dormice (Myoxidae) of southern Africa. Hystrix 6 (1-2) 287-293
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The dormice_Myoxidae_ of southern Africa..pdf 140.19 KB
Bologna MA 2003. Australytta, a new blister beetle genus from Southern Africa (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.): International Journal of Entomology 39 (2) 139-152
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Australytta_a new blister beetle genus from Southern Africa_2003.pdf 737.64 KB
Strohbach BJ 2013. Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West, Namibia. Biodiversity and Ecology 5 321-339
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Vegetation of the Okavango River valley in Kavango West.pdf 2.34 MB
Visser WH 1984. Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape. Agricola 1 56-59
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Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape.pdf 453.08 KB
Ruredzo TJ 1992. Documentation and use of data in genebank management. Dinteria 23 55-59
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Dinteria_23_1992_7_0.pdf 552.43 KB
Graz P 1992. Forestry germplasm in Namibia. Dinteria 23 116-117
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Dinteria_23_1992_15.pdf 259.84 KB
Malithano D 1992. FAO Global System for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources. Dinteria 23 38-49
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Dinteria_23_1992_5.pdf 1.59 MB
Pienaar JC 1992. The role of tissue culture in plant genetic resources. Dinteria 23 142-144
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Dinteria_23_1992_18.pdf 550.67 KB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1991. Diatomeen auf Pflanzen in der Namib. Dinteria 21 8-16
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Dinteria 21_1991_2.pdf 609.55 KB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1989. Diatomeen als 'Fensteralgen' in der Namib-Wüste und anderen ariden Gebieten von SWA/Namibia. Dinteria 20 23-29
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Dinteria 20_1989_2.pdf 694.51 KB
Wessels DCJ 1989. Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. I. The chasmoendolithic habitat. Dinteria 20 3-22
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Dinteria_20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Zizka G 1987. Die Gräsergattungen Rhynchelytrum und Tricholaena in SWA/Namibia. Dinteria 19 3-25
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Dinteria_19_1987_1.pdf 2.07 MB
Jacobsen NHG, Moss H 1987. A contribution to the Flora of the Northern Namib. Dinteria 19 26-68
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A contribution to the Flora of the Northern Namib_1987.pdf 4.58 MB
Musselman LJ, Visser JH 1987. Hydnora johannis in Southern Africa. Dinteria 19 77-82
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Dinteria_19_1987_4.pdf 764.33 KB
Gaff DF, Giess W 1986. Drought resistance in water plants in rock pools of Southern Africa. Dinteria 18 17-36
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Dinteria_18_1986_2.pdf 1.92 MB
Leach LC 1982. A new species of Euphorbia from the Namib, South West Africa. Dinteria 16 27-32
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A new species of Euphorbia from the Namib_SWA.pdf 707.33 KB
Coetzee H, van der Schijff HP, Steyn E 1973. External morphology of the species of the South African Velloziaceae including a key based on external morphological characteristics. Dinteria 9 3-21
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Dinteria_9_1973_1.pdf 2.28 MB
van der Walt JJA 1973. A new species of Commiphora from the Kaokoveld (South West Africa). Dinteria 9 23-28
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A new species of Commiphora from the Kaokoveld.pdf 770.68 KB
Gaff DF 1972. Drought resistance in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil.. Dinteria 7 3-7
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Dinteria_7_1972_1.pdf 507.75 KB
Merxmüller H, Cramer VJ, Lehre BRD 1969. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika. Dinteria 2 29-37
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Dinteria_2_1969_4.pdf 1.29 MB
Rügheimer S, Klaassen ES, Kwembeya EG 2010. Hoodia in Namibia.
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Hoodia_booklet_0.pdf 4.32 MB
Kativu S, Bjora CS, Kwembeya EG, Klaassen ES, Nordal I 2012. Flora of Namibia: Anthericaceae.
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Flora of Namibia Anthericaceae.pdf 5.8 MB
Albuquerque S, Brummitt KR, Figueiredo E 2009. Typification of names based on the Angolan collections of Friedrich Welwitsch. Taxon 58 (2) 641-646
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Typification of names based on the Angolan collections_Welitsch.pdf 304.72 KB
Kolberg H 2003. Targeting collecting for conservation: an example from Namibia. Seed Conservation - turning science into practice 209-217
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Targeting collecting for conservation.pdf 206.97 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter3_09.pdf 494.87 KB
Kolberg H 2008. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter2_08.pdf 751.89 KB
Kolberg H 2008. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter1_08.pdf 709.43 KB
Maharaj V 2008. Hoodia, a case study 1963-2008.
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Hoodia_ a case study 1963_2008.pdf 1.49 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2010. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, September, Issue 1. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (1)
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INP Market Bulletin 1st issue September 2010.pdf 4.26 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2011. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, May 2. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin
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INP Market Bulletin 2nd Issue May 2011.pdf 4.27 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2012. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, July, Issue 4. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (4)
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INP Market Bulletin 4th issue July 2012.pdf 7.46 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2012. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, January, Issue 3. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (3)
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INP Market Bulletin 3rd issue January 2012.pdf 2.98 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2013. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, December, Issue 6. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (6)
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INP Market Bulletin Issue VI _Dec 2013.pdf 2.19 MB
Millennium Challenge Account Namibia 2013. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin, March, Issue 5. Indigenous Natural Products Market Bulletin (5)
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INP Market Bulletin 5th issue March 2013.pdf 2.08 MB