
A naturally occurring substance with a characteristic chemical composition expressed by a chemical formula; may occur as individual crystals or may be disseminated in some other material or rock. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 75 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Balfour DJ, Hegenberger W, Medlycott AS, Wilson KJ 1985. Kimberlites near Sikereti, north-eastern South West Africa/Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 1 69-77
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Kimberlites_Near_Sikereti_North-Eastern_South_West_Africa_Namibia.pdf 526.83 KB
Mares MA 1997. The geobiological interface: Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 80 131-139
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Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution.pdf 166.47 KB
Eltayeb MAH, van Grieken RE, Maenhaut W, Annegam HAJ 1992. Aerosol-soil fractionation for Namib Desert samples. Journal of Aerosol Science 23 (1) 983-986
Durrheim RJ, Dirks PHGM, Nyblade AA, Graham G, Webb SJ, Jones MQW 2009. AfricaArray: Aims, achievements and future activities. 2009 59 - 63
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AfricaArray Aim_achievements and future activities.pdf 180.62 KB
Pirajno F 1994. Mineral resources of anorogenic alkaline complexes in Namibia: A review. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 41 (2) 157-168
Jourdan P 1990. The mineral economies of the SADCC: Namibia. Minerals and Energy - Raw Materials Report 7 (1) 6-17
Cairncross B, Bahmann U 2006. Minerals from the Goboboseb Mountains: Brandberg Region, Namibia. Rocks and Minerals 81 (6) 442-457
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Minerals from the Goboboseb Mountains.pdf 4.43 MB
Cairncross B 2018. The Where of Mineral Names: Namibite, Namib Desert, Copper Valley, Khorixas District and Region, Namibia. Rocks and Minerals (93) 184-187
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The Where of Mineral Names_2018.pdf 2.85 MB
Cairncross B, Moir S 1996. The Onganja mining district Namibia. The Mineralogical Record 27 85-98
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The Onganja mining district Namibia.pdf 7.36 MB
von Knorring O 1985. Niobium and tantalum minerals. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 1 85-88
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Niobium and tantalum minerals.pdf 221.85 KB
Bowell RJ, Mocke H 2018. Minerals New to Tsumeb. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 19 20-46
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Minerals New to Tsumeb.pdf 6.76 MB
Corrigendumto Minerals New to Tsumeb_2020.pdf 113.88 KB
Geological Survey of Namibia Minerals, crystals and gemstones.
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Minerals_Crystals and gemstones.pdf 363.42 KB
Bowell RJ, Ermolina O, van der Plas W, van Us J, Steiner M 2013. Minerals of the Kaokoveld District Kunene Region, Namibia. The Mineralogical Record 44 (July-August) 1-20
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Minerals of the Kaokoveld District Kunene Region.pdf 1.24 MB
Bowell R, Cook RB 2010. Connoisseur's Choice: Shattuckite Kunene District Kaokoveld, Namibia. Rocks and Minerals 84 (6) 544-550
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Shattukite_Kunene_2010.JPG 119.67 KB
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast: Figure 41 Mineral resources and mines. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures
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Figure 41_Mineral Resources and mines_2012.zip 19.44 KB
Minerals Policy of Namibia.
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Minerals Policy.pdf 189.29 KB
Rowell MJ 2000. Changing a laboratory method: An example concerning particle size analysis. Agricola 11 61 - 65
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Changing a laboratory method_2000.pdf 1.64 MB