Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 190 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Directorate of Planning 2005. Agricultural Statistics Bulletin.
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Agricultural Statistics Bulletin_2005.pdf 1.19 MB
van Schalkwyk DL, McMillin KW, Witthuhn RC, Hoffman LC 2010. The contribution of wildlife to sustainable natural resource utilization in Namibia: A review. Sustainability 2 (11) 3479-3499
Zimmermann I, Shamathe K, Tjilumbu L, Muheua S, Liyemo A, Kauatjirue J 2008. Participatory research with Namibian farmers to improve ecological functioning.
Togarepi C, Hangula M, Thomas B 2018. Perception of Extension Officials on technology adoption by rural farmers in Omusati Region of Namibia. Namibian Journal for Research, Science and Technology (NJRST) 1 41-48
Brinkmann K, Menestrey Schwieger DA, Grieger L, Heshmati S, Rauchecker M 2023. How and why do rangeland changes and their underlying drivers differ across Namibia's two major land-tenure systems?. The Rangeland Journal 45 (3) 123-139
Nattrass N, Conradie B 2013. Jackal Narratives and Predator Control in the Karoo, South Africa.
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Nattrass Conradie working paper.pdf 672.5 KB
National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP) 2004. Eco-regional satellite centres report No. 1.
van Rensburg WLJ 1990. Groeikragtigheid en saadontkieming by weiplante. Agricola 8 31-34
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Groeikragtigheid en saadontkieming by weiplante.pdf 881.58 KB
Maritz GMS 1988. Hardap proefplaas. Agricola 5 6-7
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Hardap proefplaas.pdf 511.22 KB
Barnard JP 1987. Omatjenne navorsingstasie. Agricola 4 9-11
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Omatjenne navorsingstasie.pdf 906.3 KB
Agenbach GJ 1987. Kalahari proefplaas. Agricola 4 7-8
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Kalahari proefplaas.pdf 583.35 KB
Visser CJ 1985. 'n Aangepaste boerderystelsel vir suidelike SWA. Agricola 2 10-15
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Aangepaste boerderystelsel vir suidelike SWA.pdf 1.01 MB
Els JF 2004. State of Farm Animal Genetic Resources.
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State of Farm Animal Genetic Resources_2004.pdf 1.02 MB
Zhou S 2002. Subdivisions, a Viable Option for Land Redistribution in Zimbabwe.
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TS7_7_zhou.pdf 43.16 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2002. Government Notice, No. 137 Promulgation of Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002), of the Parliament.
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Communal Land Reform Act 2002.pdf 209.07 KB
Schade K, Kalili N, Simpson R 2000. A survey of subsistence farmers in the Ohangwena Region.
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Survey of farmers in Ohangwena Region.pdf 17.66 MB
Government of the Republic of Namibia Ministry of Lands and Resettlement 2010. Draft Report: Access to Credit for Communal Land Residents.
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Access to Credit for Communal Land Residents_2010.pdf 193.54 KB
Fleissner KWE 1998. Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme. Agricola 10 57 - 60
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Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme_1998.pdf 2.67 MB
Fitter JC 1998. The SARDEP approach. Agricola 10 53 - 56
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The SARDEP approach_1998.pdf 487.3 KB