Latest records added

These are the latest records added, for all species. Click on any row in the table to highlight the record on the map. Use the question mark icon to click on the map and highlight the associated row in the table. For security reasons, black rhino, white rhino and pangolin are not shown. If you have a legitimate need for records of these species, contact us.

Species Date Recorder
Lycaon pictus | Wild Dog
18/05/2023Cunningham, Peter
Ictonyx striatus | Polecat, Striped
29/04/2023Cunningham, Peter
Felis lybica subsp. cafra | Cat, Southern African Wild
29/04/2023Cunningham, Peter
Psammophis namibensis | Namib Sand Snake
15/09/2023Cunningham, Peter
Heliobolus lugubris | Bushveld Lizard
25/05/2023Cunningham, Peter
Lygodactylus bradfieldi | Bradfield's Dwarf Gecko
17/05/2024Cunningham, Peter
Acontias lineatus | Striped Dwarf Legless Skink
09/05/2024Cunningham, Peter
Psammobates tentorius verroxii | Verrox's Tent Tortoise
24/02/2024Cunningham, Peter
Cynictis penicillata | Mongoose, Yellow
22/06/2024Walters, Matthew
Belenois aurota | White, Brown-veined
22/06/2024Walters, Matthew
Trithemis kirbyi ardens | Orange-winged Dropwing, Rock Dropwing
Pantala flavescens | Global Wanderer
Tholymis tillarga | Old World Twister
Paragomphus genei | Common Hooktail
Trithemis annulata | Violet Dropwing
Trithemis arteriosa | Red-veined Dropwing
Notogomphus praetorius | Southern Longleg
Trithemis morrisoni / Trithemis palustris | Rapids Dropwing
Pseudagrion sudanicum rubroviride | Sudan Sprite
Pseudagrion commoniae | Black Sprite

Latest records map

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