
Namib Desert

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Displaying results 1551 - 1600 of 1711 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Simmons RE, Sakko A, Paterson J, Nzuzi A 2006. Birds and conservation significance of the Namib Desert's least known coastal wetlands: Baia and Ilha dos Tigres, Angola. .African Journal of Marine Science 28 (3-4) 713-717
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BaiaDosTigres Simmons 2006.pdf 304.7 KB
1974. Recent recoveries. 3 (3) 4 - 5
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Recent recoveries_1974.pdf 179.98 KB
Simmons RE, Avery G, Avery DM 2009. Booted Eagles breeding and diet records from Brukkaros Crater 2009.
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Booted Eagles confirmed breeding in Brukkaros 2009.doc 116.5 KB
Hachfeld B 2000. Rain, fog and species richness in the Central Namib Desert in the exceptional rainy season of 1999/2000. Dinteria 26 113 - 146
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Dinteria26G.pdf 1.06 MB
Burke A 2003. Floristic relationships between inselbergs and mountain habitats in the central Namib. Dinteria 28 19 - 38
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Dinteria_28_2_Burke.pdf 274.53 KB
1998. Agro-ecological zone description - Namib Desert. Agricola 10 (Addendum) 62-68
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Agro_ecological zone description_Namib Desert_1998.PDF 3.77 MB
Burke A, Mannheimer C 2004. Plant species of the Sperrgebiet (Diamond Area 1). Dinteria 29 79 - 109
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Dinteria_29G.pdf 249.82 KB
Henschel JR, Burke A, Seely M 2005. Temporal and spatial variability of grass productivity in the Central Namib Desert. African Study Monographs 30 43 - 56
van Rooyen MW, Theron GK, van Rooyen N, Jankowitz WJ, Matthews WS 2004. Mysterious circles in the Namib Desert: Review of hypotheses on their origin. Journal of Arid Environments 57 467 - 485
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Fairy_circles_of_namibia.pdf 390.37 KB
van Damme P, van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P 1922. Plant uses by the Topnaar people of Kuiseb Valley Namib desert. Afrika Focus 8 (3 - 4) 223 - 252
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Plant uses by the Topnaar people of Kuiseb Valley Namib desert.pdf 1.38 MB
Yamagata K, Mizuno K 2005. Landform development along the middle course of the Kuiseb River in the Namib Desert, Namibia. African Study Monographs Supplementary - Issue
Theron GK, van Rooyen N, van Rooyen MW 1980. Vegetation of the lower Kuiseb River. Madoqua II (4) 327 - 345
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Vegetation of the lower Kuiseb River.pdf 2.08 MB
Morin E, Grodek T, Dahan O, Benito G, Kulls C, Jacoby Y, van Langenhove G, Seely M, Enzel Y 2009. Flood routing and alluvial aquifer recharge along the ephemeral arid Kuiseb River, Namibia. Journal of Hydrology 368 (1 - 4) 262 - 275
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Flood routing and alluvial aquifer recharge_2009.pdf 1.83 MB
Bate GC, Walker BH 1993. Water relations of the vegetation along the Kuiseb River, Namibia. Madoqua 18 (2) 85 - 91
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Water relations of the vegetation along the Kuiseb River_1993.pdf 338.34 KB
Braby J 2010. New migration records for the Damara Tern Sterna balaenarum. Ornithological Observations 1 38 - 41
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OO_2010_01_038-041 Damara Tern migration JB.pdf 99.23 KB
SEPASAL Namibia Project Team 2006. Edible herbs of Namibia. Common species of central Namibia.
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Spotlight_101.pdf 670.34 KB
Simmons RE, Cordes I 2000. Why is shorebird density so high in Walvis Bay? Delayed blooming and Benguela upwellings. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 25 (1) 229
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Delayed Blooming and Benguela Upwellings 2000.pdf 67.92 KB
Noli-Peard KR, Williams AJ 1986. Wetlands of the Namib coast. The Status and Conservation of Wetlands in Namibia
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Noli-Peard_1991_Madoqua_17_2_Namib_coast.pdf 1.78 MB
Braby J, Braby RJ, Braby N, Simmons RE 2009. Protecting Damara Terns Sterna balaenarum from recreational disturbance in the Namib Desert increases breeding density and overall success. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 80 (2) 71 - 75
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DTs -Justine ORV Disturbance_Damara Tern.pdf 236.69 KB
Skov H, Bloch R, Stuer-Lauridsen F, Uushona D 2009. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the coastal areas of the Karas and Hardap Regions.
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NACOMA_SEA_Karas_Hardap.pdf 6.18 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2008. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the coastal areas of the Erongo and Kunene Regions.
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Coastal-SEA_Kunene-Erongo_Summary.pdf 1.54 MB
2007. Elements for Coastal Zone Definition.
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NACOMA Coastal Zone Definition.pdf 76.79 KB
The Meob-Conception Area Land Use Plan.
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Meob LUP report.pdf 26.95 MB
1999. Coastal profile of the Erongo Region.
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Coastal profile of the Erongo Region.pdf 1.28 MB
Seely MK, Jacobson M 1994. Desertification and Namibia: A perspective. Journal of African Zoology 108 21–36
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Desertification and Namibia A perspective.pdf 1.13 MB
Findlay KP, Best PB, Ross GJB, Cockcroft VG 1992. The distribution of small Odontocete Cetaceans off the coast of South Africa and Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 237 - 270