
Namib Desert

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Displaying results 1601 - 1650 of 1711 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mendelsohn JM, Jarvis AM, Roberts CS, Robertson T 2002. Atlas of Namibia.
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Simmons RE 1992. The status of coastal wetlands in Namibia. Wetlands conservation conference for southern Africa.
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The status of coastal wetlands in Namibia_Simmons.pdf 2.3 MB
Shaughnessy PD, Shaughnessy GL 1978. Crowned Cormorants on the coast of South West Africa/Namibia. Cormorant 5 21 - 25
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Crowned Cormorants on the coast of South West Africa Namibia_1978.pdf 329.79 KB
Hockey PAR 1982. Waders (Charadrii) and other coastal birds in the Lüderitz region of South West Africa. Madoqua 13 (1) 27 - 33
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Hockey_1982_Madoqua_13_1_waders.pdf 1.15 MB
1990. Namib Ecology: 25 Years of Namib Research - Table of contents. Namib ecology: 25 years of Namib research 7
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Namib Ecology_25 years of Namib Research.pdf 583.09 KB
Clancey PA 1977. The southern African races of the Redcapped Lark Calandrella cinerea (Gmelin). Durban Museum Novitates 11 (14) 252 - 258
Willoughby EJ 1949. Biology of Larks (Aves: Alaudidae) in the central Namib Desert.. Zoologica africana 6 133 - 176
Willoughby EJ 1948. Desert colouration in birds of the Central Namib Desert. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 44 59 - 68
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Willoughby_1969_sci_pap_desert_colouration.pdf 2.4 MB
Willoughby EJ, Cade TJ 1967. Drinking habits of birds in the central Namib Desert of South West Africa. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 31 1 - 35
Whitelaw DA, Underhill LG, Cooper J, Clinning CF 1978. Waders (Charadrii) and other birds on the Namib coast: Counts and conservation priorities. Madoqua II 2 137 - 150
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Whitelaw_1978_Madoqua_11_2_waders.pdf 2.42 MB
Werhahn C 1970. Wochenendfahrt nach Sandwich Harbour. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (7) 2 - 5
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Wochenend fahrt nach Sandwich Harbour_1970.pdf 502.19 KB
Waltner M 1978. Südwestafrika Expedition 1976/1977. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 13 (12) 2 - 3
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Suedwestafrika Expedition 1976_1977.pdf 241.23 KB
Viereck A 1971. Geiersitzplatz in der tiefen Namib. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (3 - 4) 5 - 6
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Gaiersitzplatz in der tiefen Namib_1971.pdf 302.69 KB
Tilson RL, le Roux P 1983. Resource partitioning in coexisting Namib Desert Owls, Bubo africanus and Tyto alba. Madoqua 13 (3) 221 - 228
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Tilson_1983_Madoqua_13_3_owls.pdf 1.44 MB
Tarr JG, Tarr PW 1987. Seasonal abundance and the distribution of coastal birds on the northern Skeleton Coast, SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 15 (1) 63 - 72
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Tarr_1987_Madoqua_15_1_birds.pdf 1.92 MB
Tarr JG, Griffiths CL, Bally R 1985. The ecology of three sandy beaches on the Skeleton Coast of South West Africa. Madoqua 14 (3) 295 - 304
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Tarr_1985_Madoqua_14_3_beaches.pdf 2.49 MB
Skinner JD, Lindeque M, van Aarde RJ, Dieckmann RC 1980. The prey of owls from Koichab pan in the southern Namib Desert. Madoqua 12 (3) 181 - 182
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Skinner_1980_Madoqua_12_3_owls.pdf 407.5 KB
Siegfried WR 1984. An analysis of faecal pellets of the Brown Hyaena on the Namib coast. South African Journal of Zoology 19 61
Ryan PG, Cooper J, Stutterheim CJ, Loutit R 1984. An annotated list of the birds of the Skeleton Coast Park. Madoqua 14 (1) 79 - 90
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Ryan_1984_Madoqua_14_1_bird_list.pdf 2.74 MB
Ryan PG, Cooper J, Stutterheim CJ 1984. Waders (Charadrii) and other coastal birds of the Skeleton Coast, South West Africa. Madoqua 14 (1) 71 - 78
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Ryan_1984_Madoqua_14_1_waders.pdf 1.66 MB
Robinson ER, Seely MK 1975. Some food plants of ostriches in the Namib Desert Park, South West Africa. Madoqua II 4 (74-80) 99 - 100
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Robinson_1975_Madoqua_Ser_2_4_food_plants.pdf 349.34 KB
Prozesky OPM 1969. Notes on the daily drinking pattern of certain bird species. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 45
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Prozesky_1969_sci_pap_NDRS_daily_drinking.pdf 2.59 MB
Niethammer G 1959. Die Rolle der Auslese durch Feinde bei Wüstenvögel. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 180 - 197
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Die Rolle der Auslese durch Feinde bei Wuestenvoegeln_1959.pdf 10.75 MB
Molyneux TG 1976. Notes on birds of the north-eastern Namib Desert Park and adjoining farms. Madoqua 9 (3) 45 - 52
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Molyneux_1976_Madoqua_9_3_birds.pdf 2.16 MB
Bluck BJ, Ward JD, Cartwright J, Swart R 2007. The Orange River, southern Africa: an extreme example of a wave-dominated sediment dispersal system in the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Geological Society 164 341-351
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The Orange River_southern Africa.pdf 698.56 KB
Morse SA, Bennett MR, Liutkus-Pierce C, Thackeray F, McClymont J, Savage R, Crompton RH 2013. Holocene Footprints in Namibia: The Influence of Substrate on Footprint Variability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2013 1-15
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Holocene Footprints in Namibia.pdf 4.18 MB
Burke A 2017. New plant distribution records for southern Namibia. Bothalia 47 (1) a2251
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New plant distribution records for southern Namibia.pdf 4.75 MB
Dallas HF, Curtis BA, Ward D 1991. Water exchange, temperature tolerance, oxygen consumption and activity of the Namib desert snail, Trigonephrus sp.. Journal of Molluscan Studies 57 359-366
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Namib desert snail_Trigonephrus sp.PDF 4.39 MB
Curtis BA 2017. The status of Faidherbia albida trees in the Hoanib River, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (A) 77-91
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The status of Faidherbia albida trees in the Hoanib River.pdf 10.84 MB
Garcia-Aloy S, Sanmartin I, Kadereit G, Vitales D, Millanes AM, Roquet C, Vargas P, Alarcon M, Aldasoro JJ 2017. Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia (Geraniaceae): Specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 7
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Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia_Geraniaceae.pdf 4.2 MB
Morales J, Senut B, Pickford M 2011. Crocuta dietrichi from Meob, Namibia: implications for the age of the Tsondab Sandstone in the coastal part of the Namib Desert. Estudios Geologicos 67 (2) 207-215
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Crocuta dietrichi from Meob_2011.pdf 187.09 KB
Ludwig D 1973. Osterfahrt 1973 zur Wüstenforschungsstation Gobabeb in der Namib. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (2 - 3) 1 - 2
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Zur Wuestenforschungsstation Gobabeb in der Namib_1973.pdf 171.59 KB
Louw GN 1972. The role of advective fog in the water economy of certain Namib Desert animals. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 31 297 - 314
Louw GN, Belonje PC, Coetzee HJ 1969. Renal function, heart rate and thermoregulation in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). 42 43 - 54
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Louw_1969_sci_pap_NDRS_ostrich.pdf 2.3 MB
Tree AJ 1978. Review: An Ornithological expedition to the Namib Coast. Safring News 7 (1) 24-25
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An Ornithological expedition to the Namib Coast_1987.pdf 140.07 KB
Williams JB 1992. Longevity of Dune Larks in the Namib Desert. Safring News 21 (1) 17-18
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Longevity of Dune Larks in the Namib Desert.pdf 113.55 KB
Tree AJ 1998. Terns on the Namibian coast in early 1998. Safring News 27 (1) 7-11
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Terns on the Namibian coast in early 1998.pdf 460.19 KB
Tree AJ 1999. The 1999 Tern and Wader expedition to Namibia. Safring News 28 (1) 3-8
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The 1999 Tern and Wader expedition to Namibia.pdf 539.18 KB
Cade TJ, Willoughby EJ, Maclean GR 1966. Drinking behavior of sandgrouse in the Namib aud Kalahari deserts, Africa. Auk 83 124-126
Kolberg H 2015. Namibia's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2: NA014 Sandwich Harbour. Lanioturdus 48 (3) 10-18
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Namibias Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2.pdf 5.15 MB
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) Deserts of Namibia.
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Deserts of Namibia Poster NNF.pdf 7.23 MB