Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Henschel J, Dausab R, Moser P 2004. !Nara: fruit for development of the !kuiseb topnaar.
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Nara_ fruit for development of the Kuiseb topnaar.pdf 24.75 MB
Seely MK, Buskirk WH, Hamilton III WJ, Dixon JEW 1981. Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 35 57-86
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Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey.pdf 3.09 MB
Butler V, Bornman CH, Evert RF 1973. Welwitschia mirabilis: morphology of the seedling. Botanical Gazette 134 (1) 52-59
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Welwitschia mirabilis_morphology of the seedling.pdf 1.73 MB
Stuart-Hill G Wildlife Monitoring.
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Monitoring Manual presentation.ppt 861 KB
Ipinge S 2004. Indigenous plants: opportunities for communities.
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Opportunities with indigenous plants.ppt 2.14 MB
Schachtschneider K, February EC 2013. Impact of Prosopis invasion on a keystone tree species in the Kalahari Desert. Plant Ecology 214 (4) 597-605
Marlin D, Nicolson SW, Yusuf AA, Stevenson PC, Heyman HM, Krüger K 2014. The only african Wild Tobacco, Nicotiana africana: Alkaloid content and the effect of herbivory. Plos ONE 9 (7) e102661
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The only african Wild Tobacco.pdf 542.8 KB
Valverde A, de Maayer P, Oberholster T, Henschel J, Louw MK, Cowan D 2016. Specific microbial communities associate with the Rhizosphere of Welwitschia mirabilis, a living fossil. Plos ONE 11 (4) e0153353
Swanepoel W 2015. Maerua sebrabergensis (Capparaceae), a new species from Namibia. Phytotaxa 207 (1) 123-128
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Maerua sebrabergensis.pdf 2.23 MB
Swanepoel W, le Roux MM, Wojciechowski MF, van Wayk AE 2015. Oberholzeria (Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae, a New Monotypic Legume Genus from Namibia. Plos ONE 10 (3) e0122080
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Oberholzeria etendekaensis.pdf 1.5 MB
Struwig M, Klaassen ES, Kwembeya EG 2015. Nyctaginaceae: A taxonomic treatment for the Flora of Namibia. Phytotaxa 238 (2) 101-135
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Nyctaginaceae_A taxonomic treatment for the Flora of Namibia.pdf 7.5 MB
National Forestry Programme Facility in Namibia 2009. Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia - Marketing information.
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Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia_Marketing information.pdf 422.42 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops dinteri. Madoqua 1 10-11
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Lithops dinteri.pdf 244.51 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops eberlanzii. Madoqua 1 11-12
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Lithops eberlanzii.pdf 243.7 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops optica. Madoqua 1 34-35
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Lithops optica.pdf 205.04 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops karasmontana. Madoqua 1 33
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Lithops karasmontana.pdf 310.04 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops julli. Madoqua 1 16
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Lithops julli.pdf 102.12 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops bella. Madoqua 1 10
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Lithops bella.pdf 102.71 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops werneri. Madoqua 1 42
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Lithops werneri.pdf 91.85 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops vallis-mariae. Madoqua 1 41-42
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Lithops vallis-mariae.pdf 194.24 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops schwantesii. Madoqua 1 39-41
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Lithops schwantesii.pdf 303.06 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops ruschiorum. Madoqua 1 38-39
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Lithops ruschiorum.pdf 201.05 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops herre. Madoqua 1 15-16
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Lithops herrei.pdf 198.86 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops gracilidelineata. Madoqua 1 14-15
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Lithops gracilidelineata.pdf 200.44 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops gesineae. Madoqua 1 13-14
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Lithops gesineae.pdf 194.82 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops fulviceps. Madoqua 1 13
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Lithops fulviceps.pdf 96.54 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Plates of Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 1 17-23
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Lithops of SWA_Namibia.pdf 2.73 MB
Hall H 1950. Plant collecting in the Kaokoveld. Veld and Flora 36 14
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Plant collecting in the Kaokoveld.pdf 383.69 KB