vegetation cover

Number of plants growing on a certain area of land. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 1290 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Döderlein L 1908. Asterina lüderitziana, eine neue Art aus Sudwest-Afrika. Jahrbuecher Des Vereins Fuer Naturkunde Wiesbaden 61 196-198
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Asterina luderitziana_a new species from South West Africa.pdf 571.44 KB
Meyer PG 1973. Neue und wenig bekannte Acanthaceen aus dem Kaokoveld (Südwestafrika). Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 11 101-113
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Neue und wenig bekannte Acanthaceen aus dem Kaokoveld_1973.pdf 6.77 MB
Douglas CMS, Mulligan M, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Cowlishaw G 2016. Widespread dieback of riparian trees on a dammed ephemeral river and evidence of local mitigation by tributary flows. PeerJ 4 e2622
Muller K, O'Connor TG, Henschel JR 2016. Impact of a severe frost event in 2014 on woody vegetation within the Nama-Karoo and semi-arid savanna biomes of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 133 112-121
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Impact of a severe frost event in 2014 on woody vegetation.pdf 1.93 MB
Gröngröft A, Classen N, Petersen A 2005. Identification of soil patterns with LANDSAT data in the central Namibian savanna region. Mitteilung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107 (1) 323-324
Beale CM, van Rensberg S, Bond WJ, Coughenour M, Fynn R, Gaylard A, Grant R, Harris B, Jones T, Mdumai S, Owen-Smith N, Sinclair ARE 2013. Ten lessons for the conservation of African savannah ecosystems. Biological Conservation 167 224-232
Erkkilä A, Siiskonen H 1992. Forestry in Namibia 1850-1990.
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Forestry in Namibia 1850_1990.pdf 43.08 MB
Barnard P, Thuiller W, Midgley G 2005. Invasive species under global change – signs from a homogenized world. GISP Newsletter 2005 8-11
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Invasive_species_under_global_change_sign.pdf 324.48 KB
Midgley GF, Rutherford MC, Bond WJ, Barnard P 2001. The heat is on: impacts of climate change on plant diversity in South Africa.
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Impacts of climate change on plant diversity in South Africa.pdf 10.31 MB
Revermann R, Gonçalves FM, Gomes AL, Finckh M 2017. Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola. Check List 13 (1)
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Geoxylic grasslands_Angola_2016.pdf 4.98 MB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ 2005. Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals (Felis caracal), with particular reference to Namibian farms. African Journal of Ecology 43 73-76
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Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals.pdf 467.06 KB
Buyer JS, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Nghikembua M, Maul JE, Marker LL 2016. Soil microbial communities following bush removal in a Namibian savanna. SOIL 2 101-110
Boix-Hinzen C, Fulton I, Anderson J, Aspinal T 2005. Thick-billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge, Botswana. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 8-10
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Thick_billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge_Botswana.pdf 241.5 KB
Warren Y, Kaapehi C 2007. Bird observations at Farm Christirina in the Kalahari-bushveld region. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 12-23
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2016. Monthly Burned Area Report, August 2016.
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Monthly Burned Area Report_August 2016.pdf 1.4 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2016. Monthly Burned Area Report, July 2016.
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Monthly Burned Area Report_July 2016.pdf 1.38 MB
van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P, van Damme P 1992. The ethnobotany of the Topnaar.
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The ethnobotany of the Topnaar_1992.pdf 28.31 MB
Baines T 1972. The Welwitschia mirabilis (plant of Hykamkop), South West Africa. Excelsa 2 41-49
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The Welwitschia mirabilis_plant of Hykamkop_SWA.pdf 5.93 MB
Shackley M 1982. Namib IV and the Acheulean technocomplex in the central Namib Desert (South West Africa). Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands 15 151-158
Loris K, Jürgens N, Veste M 2001. Zonobiom III: Die Namib-Wüste im südwestlichen Afrika (Namibia, Südafrika, Angola). In: Sustainable land use in deserts. Sustainable land use in deserts 441-498
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Die Namib Wueste im SW Afrika_Teil1_2001.pdf 42.96 MB
de Vos M 1997. Narras, voedsel van die woestyn. Veld and Flora 83 118-119
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Narras_voedsel van die woestyn.pdf 1.5 MB
Ward JD, Seely MK, Lancaster N 1983. On the antiquity of the Namib. South Africa Journal of Science 79 (5) 175-183
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On the antiquity of the Namib.pdf 1.92 MB
Vinjevold RD, Bridgeford P, Yeaton D 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Namib-Naukluft Park. 24-27
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gbb347.jpg 139.92 KB
Muller M 2006. Dispersal ecology of the !nara-melon along the Kuiseb River, Central Namib. The Changing Culture and Nature of Namibia 181-184
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Dispersal ecology of the nara_melon along the Kuiseb River_2006.pdf 751.78 KB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2016. Strategic environmental assessment of large-scale bush thinning and value-addition activities in Namibia - Final Report.
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Bush thinning SEA Report FINAL FINAL.docx 4.23 MB
Seely MK, Buskirk WH, Hamilton III WJ, Dixon JEW 1981. Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 35 57-86
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Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey.pdf 3.09 MB
Herman A, Jefta G, Ndeutalala H, Iiputa G, Katshuna M, Matros A, Muduva T, Muvi-Tjikalapo M, Nakale T, Nakathingo H, Nampila J, Nantanga K, Nashipili N, Shigwedha L, Thomas T 2000. Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River System: The Kuiseb Basin.
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Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River.pdf 5.52 MB