conservation of species

Controlled utilization, protection or development of selected classes of plants or animals for their richness, biodiversity and benefits to humanity. (Source: TOE / EEN)

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 645 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Berger J, Cunningham C, Gawuseb AA 1994. The Uncertainty of Data and Dehorning Black Rhinos. Conservation Biology 8 (4) 1149-1152
Brodie JF, Muntifering J, Hearn M, Loutit B, Loutit R, Brell B, Uri-Khob S, Leader-Williams N, du Preez P 2011. Population recovery of black rhinoceros in north-west Namibia following poaching. Animal Conservation 14 (4) 354-362
David JHM, Curry P, Crawford RJM, Randall RM, Underhill LG, Meÿer MA 2003. Assessing conservation priorities in the Benguela ecosystem, South Africa: analysing predation by seals on threatened seabirds. Biological Conservation 114 (2) 289-292
Clark VR, Barker NP, Mucina L 2011. The Great Escarpment of southern Africa: a new frontier for biodiversity exploration. Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (12) 2543-2561
Reyers B, van Jaarsveld AS, Krüger M 2000. Complementarity as a biodiversity indicator strategy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 267 505-513
2005. Flamingo. Flamingo (13)
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Garcia-Heras M-S, Mougeot F, Arroyo B, Avery G, Avery M, Simmons RE 2017. Is the Black Harrier Circus maurus a specialist predator? Assessing the diet of a threatened raptor species endemic to southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 88 (1) 1-8
Cooper-Bohannon R, Kasaona M, Bohannon K 2012. African Skies: the distribution, ecology and conservation of cave-dwelling bats in southern Africa. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 53 27-36
Edwards S, Aschenborn O, Gange AC, Wiesel I 2016. Leopard density estimates from semi-desert commercial farmlands, southwest Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 54 (1) 103-106
Frost PGH, Johnson P 1978. Conserving the Damara Tern. Optima 27 106 - 107
Suhling F, Martens A, Marais E 2004. Critical species of Odonata in southwestern Africa. International Journal of Odonatology (Special Issue: IUCN Regional Reports) 7 (2) 263-277
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Critical species of Odonata in southwestern Africa.pdf 115.17 KB