
A designated area or an administrative division of a city, county or larger geographical territory that is formulated according to some biological, political, economic or demographic criteria. (Source: RHW / ISEP)

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Displaying results 51 - 96 of 96 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mulonga S, Suich H, Murphy C 2003. The conflict continues: Human wildlife conflict and livelihoods in Caprivi.
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Research Discussion Paper 59_2003.pdf 763.44 KB
Purvis J 2002. Postharvest fisheries on the eastern floodplains, Caprivi.
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Research Discussion Paper 51_2002.pdf 253.27 KB
Poonyth D, Barnes JI, Suich H, Monamati M 2001. Satellite and resource accounting as tools for tourism planning in southern Africa.
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Research Discussion Paper 43_2001.pdf 78.46 KB
Hipondoka M Lands Boundary report.
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Lands_TA boundary_Report Martin Hipondoka.pdf 3.89 MB
1999. Coastal profile of the Erongo Region.
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Coastal profile of the Erongo Region.pdf 1.28 MB
Hampton I, Boyer DC, Penney AJ, Pereira AF, Sardinh M Integrated overview of fisheries of the Benguela Current region.
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Integrated overview of fisheries of the Benguela Current region.doc 1022.5 KB
Gustafsson K 2005. The trade in slaves in Ovamboland, ca.1850-1910. African Economic History 33 31 - 68
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Trade in slaves in Owamboland.pdf 3.59 MB
Takavarasha T, Uppal J, Hongo H 2005. Feasibility Study for the production and use of Biofuel in the SADC Region.
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SADC Biofuels study final report Sept 2005.pdf 818.22 KB
Andersson J 2006. Land cover change in the Okavango River Basin.
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Jafet Andersson MSc_thesis.pdf 4.86 MB
2004. Soils of Ngamiland district, Botswana.
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Ngamiland 1.56 MB
2004. Soils of the Kavango region, Namibia.
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Kavango 1.48 MB
2004. Post offices in Kavango Region, Namibia 2002.
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Kavango post 1.1 KB
2004. Extent of the Kavango Region, 1992-1998.
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Kavango boundaries 10.13 KB
2004. Extent of the Kavango Region 1968-1992.
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Kavango boundaries 12.55 KB
2004. Extent of the Kavango Region, 1937-1968.
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Kavango boundaries 10.11 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2004. Number of livestock in Kavango Region, 1980-2001.
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Livestock numbers1980-2001_Kavango.xls 29 KB
2004. Boundaries of the 13 regions of Namibia.
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Namibia regions 404.98 KB
2004. Boundaries of the Kavango Region, Namibia.
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Kavango 13.66 KB
2004. 18 Administrative provinces of Angola.
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Angola 88.05 KB
2004. Boundaries of Ngamiland District, Botswana.
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Ngamiland district 30.41 KB
2004. Administrative districts of Botswana.
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Botswana 310.64 KB
2004. Boundaries of the 9 constituencies of Kavango.
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Kavango 20.14 KB
Hutchins DG, Hutton SM, Jones CR 1976. The geology of the Okavango Delta. Okavango Delta Symposium 13 - 19