
Overall pressure on natural resources as a result of the combined presence of people, livestock, the clearing of land and frequent burnt in the Kavango Region

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Overall pressure on natural resources as a result of the combined presence of people, livestock, the clearing of land and frequent burnt in the Kavango Region. Five variables were used: density of people, cattle, goats, land cleared for crops, and frequency of burning. Each variable was divided into three classes of pressure. The low class was given a value of 1 and allocated to areas with less than 6 people, 4 cattle and 6 goats per square kilometre (km2), that had burnt in less than 4 out of 13 years, and that had not been cleared for crops. Medium areas were given a value of 2 and had 6-40 people, 4-9 cattle and 6-40 goats per km2, and had burnt during 4-8 of the 13 years. High classes were given the value of 3 and had more than 40 people, 10 cattle and 40 goats per km2, had burnt in 9 or more years and had been cleared for cultivation. Origin: Various.

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Map Data
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Kavango pressure on resources_2004.zip 39.14 KB