
Cattle, horses, and similar animals kept for domestic use especially on a farm. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 358 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Dickman AJ, MacDonald DW, Muntifering JR, Marker LL, Mills MGL 2003. Quantifying prey preferences of free-ranging Namibian cheeetahs. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 33 (1) 43-53
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Quantifying prey preferences of free-ranging Namibian cheeetahs.pdf 775.7 KB
Stein AB, Fuller TK, Damery DT, Sievert L, Marker LL 2010. Farm management and economic analyses of leopard conservation in north-central Namibia. Animal Conservation 13 419-427
Hanssen L, Funston P, Fwelimbi MH, Siyanga O 2016. Human-Lion conflict in the Mudumu South Complex, Zambezi Region, Namibia - Report February 2015.
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Human-Lion Conflict in the MSC_Report March 2015.pdf 738.35 KB
Rukandema M, Breen J, Fanikiso M, Sanchis PH 2009. FAO/WFP crop, livestock and food security assessment mission to Namibia, 14 July 2009.
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GIEWS Special Report_Namibia_14 July 2009.pdf 277.83 KB
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 2009. Arid waste? Reassessing the value of dryland pastoralism.
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IIED economics of pastoralism 2009.pdf 314.38 KB
Beyer W, Bellan S, Eberle G, Ganz HH, Getz WM, Haumacher R, Hilss KH, Kilian W, Lazak J, Turner WC, Turnbull PCB 2012. Distribution and Molecular Evolution of Bacillus anthracis Genotypes in Namibia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6 (3) e1534
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Distribution and evolution of anthrax in Namibia.pdf 798.36 KB
Behnke RH 1998. Kavango Grazing Systems Study.
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Kavango Grazing System Study- Final Report_ RH Behnke.pdf 15.16 MB
Stehn H 2008. Large Stock Management.
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Large stock management_Helmut Stehn.pdf 31.65 MB
de Lange D 2008. Small Stock Management.
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Small Stock Management.pdf 7.69 MB
Enkono SG, Kalundu SK, Thomas B 2013. Analysis of factors influencing cattle off-take rate and marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region, Namibia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 5 (9) 201-206
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Marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region_2013.pdf 410.69 KB
Visser WH, Piek JC 1996. The occurence of umbilical hernias in Karakul sheep. Agricola 9 73-74
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The occurence of umbilical hernias in Karakul sheep_1996.pdf 248.2 KB
Visser WH 1984. Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape. Agricola 1 56-59
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Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape.pdf 453.08 KB
Chinsembu KC, Negumbo J, Likando M, Mbangu A 2014. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used to treat livestock diseases in Onayena and Katima Mulilo, Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 94 101-107
Child BA, Musengezi J, Parent GD, Child GFT 2012. The economics and institutional economics of wildlife on private land in Africa. Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice 2 (18)
Whitford WG, de Soyza AG, van Zee JW, Herrick JE, Havstad KM Vegetation, Soil, and Animal Indicators of Rangeland Health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 51 (1-2) 179-200
Behnke RH 1999. Stock movement and range-management in a Himba community in North-western Namibia. Managing mobility in African rangelands: The legitimization of transhumance 184-216