
Functional Relationships Between Protected and Agricultural Areas in South Africa and Namibia

Publication Year:

The history of the establishment of protected areas in South Africa and Namibia is outlined. Interactions between selected examples of protected areas and their neighbours are described. While there are cases of conflict because of wildlife damage to crops or predation on livestock, the majority of protected areas have been wholly or partially isolated by fencing. They have little influence on the substantial wildlife resources on private land. For the most part these supplement conventional livestock production and provide opportunities to develop high value multiple-use systems. Significant economic benefits are dependent on the development of high quality facilities in relatively large areas which offer scenic attractions and a variety of wildlife which includes at least some of the 'big five'. To derive these benefits, individual landowners need to collaborate with neighbours to form conservancies. Examples of formal systems of collaboration between statutory conservation bodies and private landowners are given. Most communally held land in South Africa is densely populated and has little or no wildlife. Examples are given of reserves which have been established and stocked to assist in the economic development of poor rural communities. Only in Namibia are major opportunities for rural communities to develop industries based on existing wildlife resources.

Publication Title:

Wildlife Conservation by Sustainable Use

Conservation Biology Series
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section