
Any living organism characterized by voluntary movement, the possession of cells with noncellulose cell walls and specialized sense organs enabling rapid response to stimuli, and the ingestion of complex organic substances such as plants and other animals. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 234 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kok OB, van Wyk AJ 1982. Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn. Madoqua 13 (1) 89-96
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Boomklimmende klipspringers in die Namibwoestyn_1982.pdf 1.25 MB
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Brain C, Voigt CC 2013. Dietary plasticity of generalist and specialist ungulates in the Namibian Desert: A Stable Isotopes Approach. Plos ONE 8 (8) e72190
Funston P, Hanssen L, Moeller M 2014. Large Carnivore Survey Bwabwata National Park, Namibia, July 2014.
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Bwabwata Survey_2014.pdf 862.95 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. African wild dog status summary and natural resource report.
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2014 African Wild Dog Audit Report.pdf 1.74 MB
Gosling LM 2013. The Mountain Zebra Project.
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The Mountain Zebra Project.pdf 282.71 KB
Meester J 1963. Some mammals from the Namib Desert. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 24 241-248
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Some mammals from the Namib Desert.pdf 1.4 MB
Pinto V, Beja P, Ferrand N, Godinho R 2016. Hybridization following population collapse in a critically endangered antelope. Scientific Reports 6 18788
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Pedro - Gaint sable hybrid paper 2016.pdf 910.29 KB
Paterson B 2003. IRAS - From information management to knowledge creation.
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IRAS.ppt 426.5 KB