migratory bird

Birds which migrate in a body. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 701 - 750 of 1412 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 2002. SABAP_097_Lesser Flamingo.
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SABAP_097_Lesser Flamingo.kmz 143.89 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 2002. SABAP_096_Greater Flamingo.
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SABAP_096_Greater Flamingo.kmz 143.89 KB
Tarboton W, Tarboton M 2014. Travel log. Migration of the Woodland Kingfisher. (2) 54-62
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Travel log_Migration of the Woodland Kingfisher.pdf 1.16 MB
Brown C 2005. Migrant birds of Namibia.
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Migrant birds of Namibia.pdf 4.3 MB
Clancey PA 1974. The characters and range of Pogoniulus chrysoconus extoni (Layard), 1871. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club (93-95) 139 - 141
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The characters and range of Pogoniulus chrysoconus extoni.pdf 1.33 MB
2014. African Raptors. Newsletter of the African Raptor Network
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ARN Newsletter 4.pdf 3.09 MB
2013. Pelican Pouch.
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March Edition Pelican Pouch.pdf 708.55 KB
Mendelsohn J, Maclean G 1982. Flocks of Migrant Swallows and Martins. Bokmakierie 34 (3) 69
Mendelsohn J 1981. Movements of Prions Pachyptila spp. and Low Pressure Systems at Marion Island. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore 223-231
Bridgeford P 2013. Thirty years and still counting - The history of bird counts in Walvis Bay. Mitteilungen/Newsletter 54 5-12
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Walvis Bay wetland - 30 years and counting.pdf 462.94 KB
Mendelsohn JM, Brown CJ 1988. Wing Areas and other dimensions of Greater and Lesser Flamingos. Cimbebasia 10 71-73
Mendelsohn JM 1990. The Status and Biology of the Peregrine in the Afrotropical Region. Peregrine Falcon Populations - Their Management and Recovery 297-306
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Peregrine_Falcon_populations_Their_Management_and_Recovery.pdf 635.43 KB
1987. Raptors in the Modern World. Proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls
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Raptors_in_the_Morden_World.pdf 1.39 MB
Meyburg B-U, Meyburg C, Belka T, Oldrich S, Vrana J 2004. Migration, wintering and breeding of a lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) from Slovakia tracked by satellite. Journal of Ornithology 145 1-7
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Wintering and breeding of a lesser spotted eagle owl.pdf 279.6 KB
Meyburg B-U, Ellis DH, Meyburg C, Mendelsohn JM, Schneller W 2001. Satellite tracking of two Lesser Spotted Eagles, Aquila pomarina, migrating from Namibia. Ostrich 72 (1-2) 35-40
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Satellite tracking of two Lesser Spotted Eagles_2001.pdf 956.67 KB
McCulloch G, Hancock P, Soopu J, Rutina L 2010. Makgadikgadi Pans Important Bird Area Monitoring Report, 2009. BirdLife Botswana, Babbler Special Supplement 3
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2009_Botswana_Makgadikgadi_IBA_monitoring_report.pdf 2.36 MB
Kolberg H 2009. Update on Blue crane numbers at Etosha. Namibia Crane News 42 1-2
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Namibia_Crane_News_No_42_May_09.pdf 802.73 KB
Chapin JP 1916. The Penant-Wingend Nightjar of Africa and its migration. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History XXXV 73-81
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Chapin_1916_Bull_American_Mus_Nat_History_35_73-81.pdf 1.65 MB
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2005. Bird ringing.
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Bird Ringing Namibia_Ringing for Science and Bird Ringing Schemes.pdf 928.42 KB
Meyburg B-U, Howey PW, Meyburg C, Fiuczynski KD Two complete migration cycles of an adult Hobby tracked by satellite. British Birds 104 2-15
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Meyburg_Howey_2011.pdf 5.87 MB
Gerkmann B, Meyburg B-U 2009. Habitats used by Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina) during migration and wintering as revealed by Satellite tracking and remote sensing. Populationsökologie Greifvogel- und Eulenarten 6 87-102
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Gerkmann_Meyburg.pdf 510.91 KB
Cunningham PL, Jankowitz W 2010. A Review of Fauna and Flora Associated with Coastal and Inland Saline Flats from Namibia with Special Reference to the Etosha Pan. Sabkha Ecosystems. Tasks for Vegetation Science 46 9-17
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Etosha and coastal salt pan biodoversity Namibian sabhka_2010.pdf 1.56 MB
Dean WRJ 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands - Angola. BirdLife Conservation Series 11 71-92
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Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands_Angola_2001.pdf 548.42 KB
Tingay RE, Katzner TE The Eagle Watchers - Observing and Conserving Raptors around the World.
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Simmons RE 2000. Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa. Journal of Waterbird Biology 23 (Special Publication 1: Conservation Biology of Flamingos) 40-46
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Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa_2000.pdf 2.53 MB