A very large and widespread family of Monocotyledoneae, with more than 10.000 species, most of which are herbaceous, but a few are woody. The stems are jointed, the long, narrow leaves originating at the nodes. The flowers are inconspicuous, with a much reduced perianth, and are wind-pollinated or cleistogamous. The fruit in single-seeded, usually a caryopsis. Grasses are the most important of all plants for food. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 157 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Klaassen ES, Craven P 2003. Checklist of grasses in Namibia.
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Checklist of grasses in Namibia.pdf 1.42 MB
Zimmermann I 2008. Book Review - Grasses of Namibia. Müller, M.A.N. (revised and updated by van Eck, J.) 2007. Dinteria 30 137-138
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Book Review_Grasses of Namibia_2008.pdf 151.17 KB
Child MF, Milton SJ, Dean RWJ, Lipsey MK, Puttick J, Hempson TN, Mann GK, Babiker H, Chaudrey J, Humphrey G, Joseph G, Okes NC, Potts R, Wistebaar T 2010. Tree-grass coexistence in a flood-disturbed, semi-arid savanna system. Landscape Ecology 25 315–326
Meyer KM, Wiegand K, Ward D 2009. Patch dynamics integrate mechanisms for savanna tree-grass coexistence. Basic and Applied Ecology 10 491-499
Cramer MD, Chimphango SBM, van Cauter A, Waldram MS, Bond WJ 2007. Grass competition induces N2 fixation in some species of African Acacia. Journal of Ecology 95 (5) 1123-1133
Burke A 2005. A biodiversity treasure trove on Windhoek's doorstep. Flamingo 52-55
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flamingo-Jun2005-WDH.pdf 2.24 MB
Burke A 2001. An eruption of green - the Brukkaros Mountain springs to life. Flamingo 37-40
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flamingo-May2001-Bruk.pdf 2.29 MB
Burke A 1996. Wealth of the Veld - Grasses are the background of agriculture and wildlife. Flamingo 18-22
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flamingo-Nov1996-grasses.pdf 3.42 MB
Hattingh E 2023. Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam.
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NAM_2023_09_Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam_Namibian Sun.pdf 317.34 KB
Bocksberger G, Schnitzler J, Chatelain C, Daget P, Janssen T, Schmidt M, Thiombiano A, Zizka G 2016. Climate and the distribution of grasses in West Africa. Journal of Vegetation Science 27 306-317
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Climate and the distribution of grasses in West Africa.pdf 4 MB
Raubenheimer SL, Venter N, Ripley BS 2022. Drought susceptibility of southern African C4 grasses: Phylogenetically and photosynthetically determined?. Functional Ecology 37 2029-2039
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Drought susceptibility of southern African C4 grasses.pdf 557.24 KB
Kappel C, Illing N, Nguyen Huu C, Barger NN, Cramer MD, Lenhard M, Midgley JJ 2020. Fairy circles in Namibia are assembled from genetically distinct grasses. Communications Biology 3
Mashau AC, Hempson GP, Lehmann C, Vorontsova MS, Visser V, Archibald S 2021. Plant height and lifespan predict range size in southern African grasses. Ecology and Evolution 48 (12) 3047-3059
Smit CJ 1988. Vestiging van bloubuffelsgras. Agricola 6 31-33
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Vestiging van bloubuffelsgras.pdf 1.1 MB
Bester FV 1988. Weiveldevaluering. Agricola 6 21-25
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Weiveldevaluering.pdf 1.59 MB
Bester FV 1988. Die bepaling van die grasproduksie van natuurlike veld. Agricola 6 26-30
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Die bepaling van die grasproduksie van natuurlike veld.pdf 1.71 MB
Bester FV 1988. Faktore wat die ontkieming van grasse beïnvloed. Agricola 5 49-52
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Faktore wat die ontkieming van grasse beïnvloed.pdf 901.52 KB
Donaldson CH 1986. Bloubuffelsgras (Cenchrus ciliaris). Agricola 3 19-25
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Bloubuffelsgras_1986.pdf 1.17 MB
Venter PS 1985. Natuurlike weiding versus bloubuffel-aanplanting. Agricola 2 91-92
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Natuurlike weiding versus bloubuffel_aanplanting.pdf 222.85 KB
Tschinkel WR 2010. The foraging tunnel system of the Namibian termite, Baucaliotermes hainesi. Journal of Insect Science 10 (65) 1-17
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The Foraging Tunnel System of the Namibian Desert Termite.pdf 2.62 MB
Seely MK 1978. Grassland productivity: the desert end of the curve. South African Journal of Science 74 295-297
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Grassland productivity_ the desert end of the curve.pdf 306.01 KB
Roth-Nebelsick A, Ebner M, Miranda T, Gottschalk V, Voigt D, Gorb S, Stegmaier T, Sarsour J, Linke M, Konrad W 2012. Leaf surface structures enable the endemic Namib desert grass Stipagrostis sabulicola to irrigate itself with fog water. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
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Stipagrostis sabulicola to irrigate itself with fog water_2012.pdf 1.16 MB
Louw GN, Seely MK 1980. Exploitation of fog water by a perennial Namib Dune Grass, Stipagrotis sabulicola. South African Journal of Science 76
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Exploitation of fog water by a perennial Namib Dune Grass_1980.pdf 154.49 KB
Rietkerk M, van de Koppel J 2000. Herbivore regulation and irreversible vegetation change in semi-arid grazing systems. Oikos 90 (2) 253-260
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rietkerk-00-herbivore regulation.pdf 172 KB
Joubert DF, Cunningham PL 2002. The distribution and invasive potential of Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum in Namibia. Dinteria 27 37 - 47
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Distribution and invasive potential_Peenisetum setaceum.pdf 664.54 KB
Rothauge A 2001. Drought management strategies for Namibian ranchers. Agricola 12 99 - 105
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Drought management strategies for Namibian ranchers_2001.pdf 930.07 KB
Rothauge A 2001. An evaluation of Open Rotational Grazing. Agricola 12 94 - 98
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An evaluation of Open Rotational Grazing_2001.pdf 658.7 KB
Henschel JR, Burke A, Seely M 2005. Temporal and spatial variability of grass productivity in the Central Namib Desert. African Study Monographs 30 43 - 56
van Rooyen MW, Theron GK, van Rooyen N, Jankowitz WJ, Matthews WS 2004. Mysterious circles in the Namib Desert: Review of hypotheses on their origin. Journal of Arid Environments 57 467 - 485
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Fairy_circles_of_namibia.pdf 390.37 KB
Wagenseil H, Samimi C 2007. Woody vegetation cover in Namibian savannahs: A modelling approach based on remote sensing. Erdkunde 61 (4) 325 - 334
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Wagenseil_2007 - bush encroach.pdf 2.53 MB
Meyer M, Wiegand K, Ward D, Moustakas A 2007. The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics. Journal of Ecology 95 (6) 1306 - 1315
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The rhythm of savanna patch dynamics.pdf 321.83 KB
Kolberg H, Griffin M, Simmons R 1997. The Ephemeral Wetlands of Central Northern Namibia. Wetlands, Biodiversity and the Ramsar Convention 4-6
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The Ephemeral Wetlands of Central Northern Namibia.pdf 93.63 KB
Espach C, Lubbe LG, Ganzin N 2006. Determining grazing capacity in Namibia: Approaches and methodologies. Agricola 16 28 - 39
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Determining grazing capacity in Namibia_2006.pdf 1.07 MB
Bester FV, van Eck JAJ, Kölling H, van Rooyen B, Prinsloo R 2003. The influence of stocking rate on the grass layer in the Camel Thorn Savanna.
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Spotlight_066.pdf 2.57 MB
Bester FV 2003. Grazing register: Based on the biomass concept.
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Spotlight_067.pdf 2.67 MB
Bester FV, van Eck JAJ, Kölling H, van Rooyen B 2003. The influence of stocking rate on the grass yield in the Camel Thorn Savanna.
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Spotlight_070.pdf 2.7 MB
Reed ER, Swanepoel J, Bester FV 2004. The influence of stocking rate on the utilization of individual grass species in the sward.
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Spotlight_076.pdf 3 MB