A very large and widespread family of Monocotyledoneae, with more than 10.000 species, most of which are herbaceous, but a few are woody. The stems are jointed, the long, narrow leaves originating at the nodes. The flowers are inconspicuous, with a much reduced perianth, and are wind-pollinated or cleistogamous. The fruit in single-seeded, usually a caryopsis. Grasses are the most important of all plants for food. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 151 - 157 of 157 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bester FV, Reed ER 2003. Grass yield in the Sandveld Camel Thorn Savanna: Rainfall vs stocking rate.
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Bester FV, van Eck JAJ, Kölling H, van Rooyen B 2003. The influence of stocking rate on the distribution of individual grass species in the sward.
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Holmes TL, Knight RL, Stegall L, Craig GR 1993. Responses of wintering grassland raptors to human disturbance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 21 461 - 468
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Responses of wintering grassland raptors to human disturbance.pdf 721.75 KB
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) Savannas of Namibia.
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NNF - Savannas of Namibia Poster.pdf 6.18 MB