
Excursions to relatively untouched lands, which for the tourist promise the chance to observe unusual wildlife and indigenous inhabitants. The travel industry, in an attempt to market adventure and authenticity to those travellers weary of civilisation promote travel to environments free of modern technology. Ecotourism's inherent contradiction is the promotion of untouched lands which immediately become touched by the hands of tourism. (Source: WPR)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 264 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2007. Strategic Plan 2007/8 - 2011/12.
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Namibia statistical report 2006 & 2007.
O'Farrell PJ, de Lange WJ, le Maitre D, Reyers B, Blignaut JN, Milton SJ, Atkinson D, Egoh B, Maherry A, Colvin C, Cowling RM 2011. Possibilities and pitfalls presented by a pragmatic approach to ecosystem service valuation in an arid biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Arid Environments 75 (6) 612 - 623
O'Farrell PJ, Reyers B, le Maitre DC, Milton SJ, Egoh B, Maherry A, Colvin C, Atkinson D, de Lange W, Blignaut JN 2010. Multi-functional landscapes in semi arid environments: Implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 25 1231 - 1246
Bibby CJ, Collar NJ, Crosby MJ, Heath MF, Imboden C, Johnson TH, Long AJ, Stattersfield AJ, Thirgood SJ Namibia Community Based Tourism Association (NACOBTA).
Millspaugh JJ, Rittenhouse CD, Montgomery RA, Matthews WS, Slotow R Resource selection modeling reveals potential conflicts involving reintroduced lions in Tembe Elephant Park, South Africa. Journal of Zoology 296 (124-132) 2015
Mbaiwa JE, Darkoh MBK 2008. The socio-economic and environmental effects of the implementation of the tourism policy of 1990 in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 39 (Tourism as a Sustainable Development Factor) 138-155
Lepetu J, Bernard FE, Orford CE 2008. Limits of acceptable change for tourism in the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 39 (Tourism as a Sustainable Development Factor) 98-112
Mbaiwa JE, Thakadu OT, Darkoh MBK 2008. Indigenous knowledge and ecotourism-based livelihoods in the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 39 (Tourism as a Sustainable Development Factor) 62-74
Mbaiwa JE 2002. Environmental impacts of tourism development in the Okavango. Botswana Notes and Records 34 67-78
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2010. Annual Report 2009/10.
Baker L 1996. An overview of Namibia's game parks and recreational areas. Namibia Environment 1 32-34
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An overview of Namibias game parks and recreational areas.pdf 4.22 MB
1996. Namibia's game parks and recreation areas. Namibia Environment 1 41-50
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Game parks and recreation areas_1996.pdf 19.76 MB
Holm-Petersen E 1996. Tourism in Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 92-94
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Tourism in Namibia_1996.pdf 4.37 MB
Olivier W 1996. Walking trails of Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 96-99
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Walking trails of Namibia_1996.pdf 5.68 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2016.  Fire management strategy for Namibia's protected areas.
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Fire Management_Strategy Final Version_Nambia_MET. 2016.pdf 9.78 MB
Moswete N, Lacey G 2015. "Women cannot lead": empowering women through cultural tourism in Botswana. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (23) 600-617
Koot SP 2015. White Namibians in tourism and the politics of belonging through Bushmen. Anthropology Southern Africa (38) 4-15
Lindsey PA, Alexander RR, du Toit JT, Mills MGL 2005. The potential contribution of ecotourism to African wild dog Lycaon pictus conservation in South Africa. Biological Conservation (123) 339-348
Medina-Muñoz DR, Medina-Muñoz RD, Gutiérrez-Pérez FJ 2016. The impacts of tourism on poverty alleviation: an integrated research framework. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (24) 270-298
Fourie J, Santana-Gallego M 2013. The determinants of African tourism. Development Southern Africa (30) 347-366