
The temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places or work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations and the facilities created to cater for their needs. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 53 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
1992. Namibia's Green Plan: Environment and Development.
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Namibia_Green_Plan.pdf 9.68 MB
Bibby CJ, Collar NJ, Crosby MJ, Heath MF, Imboden C, Johnson TH, Long AJ, Stattersfield AJ, Thirgood SJ Namibia Community Based Tourism Association (NACOBTA).
Olivier W, Olivier S 1993. Visitors guide to Namibia.
2002. 5.35 Potentials for tourism - grid.
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Fig 5.35 Potentials for tourism - 143.89 KB
2002. 5.35 Potentials for tourism.
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Fig 5.35 Potentials for 143.89 KB
2002. 5.34 Tourism accommodation.
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Fig 5.34 Tourism 143.89 KB
Holm-Petersen E 1996. Tourism in Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 92-94
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Tourism in Namibia_1996.pdf 4.37 MB
Olivier W 1996. Walking trails of Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 96-99
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Walking trails of Namibia_1996.pdf 5.68 MB
Naidoo R, Stuart-Hill G, Weaver C, Tagg J, Davis A, Davidson A 2011. Effect of Diversity of Large Wildlife Species on Financial Benefits to Local Communities in Northwest Namibia. Environmental and Resource Economics (48) 321–335
Campbell AC, von Richter W 1976. The Okavango Delta and tourism. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 244 - 247
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The Okavango Delta and tourism_1976.pdf 1.02 MB
Johnson PG 1976. Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 235 - 243
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Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development_1976.pdf 4.06 MB
Lendelvo SM, Pinto M, Sullivan S 2020. A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 1-15
Baker AC, Muteyauli PI, Shigwedha V, Swiegers S, Sweeney LF 2009. Domestic tourism in Namibia: Results of a 2006/7 survey.
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Research Discussion Paper 80_2009.pdf 1.77 MB
Alberts M, Barnes JI 2008. Sustainable tourism options for the coastal zone of Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 77_2008.pdf 617.65 KB
Samuelsson E, Stage J 2006. The size and distribution of the economic impacts of Namibian hunting tourism.
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Research Discussion Paper 74_2006.pdf 853.71 KB
Turpie J, Lange G, Martin R, Davies R, Barnes JI 2005. Namibia's protected areas: Their economic worth and the feasibility of their financing.
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Research Discussion Paper 73_2005.pdf 340.79 KB
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), The World Bank 2014. Getting Financed - 9 Tips For Community Joint Ventures In Tourism.
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Getting Financed_9 Tips For Community Joint Ventures In Tourism.pdf 3.68 MB
Mulonga S, Suich H, Murphy C 2003. The conflict continues: Human wildlife conflict and livelihoods in Caprivi.
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Research Discussion Paper 59_2003.pdf 763.44 KB
Krug W, Suich H, Haimbodi N 2002. Park pricing and economic efficiency in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 45_2002.pdf 203.43 KB
Poonyth D, Barnes JI, Suich H, Monamati M 2001. Satellite and resource accounting as tools for tourism planning in southern Africa.
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Research Discussion Paper 43_2001.pdf 78.46 KB
Barnes JI, MacGregor J, Weaver LC 2001. Economic analysis of community wildlife use initiatives in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 42_2001.pdf 85.09 KB
Barnes JI, Schier C, van Rooy G 1997. Tourists' willingness to pay for wildlife viewing and wildlife conservation in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 15_1997.pdf 133.11 KB
Ashley C, Garland E 1994. Promoting community-based tourism development.
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Research Discussion Paper 4_1994.pdf 364.07 KB
Jacobs L, du Preez EA, Fairer-Wessels F 2020. To wish upon a star: Exploring Astro Tourism as vehicle for sustainable rural development. Development Southern Africa 37 (1) 87-104
2021. Astrotourism in Namibia.
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Astrotourism in Namibia.pdf 982.13 KB
Gwasira G, Akawa M, Nakanyete NF 2021. Cultural villages as drivers of rural poverty alleviation in Namibia: The case of Uukwaludhi Royal Homestead. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 68 103-119
Leeney RH 2021. Towards sustainability of marine wildlife-watching tourism in Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 68 5-29
Thomsen JM, Lendelvo S, Coe K, Rispel M 2022. Community perspectives of empowerment from trophy hunting tourism in Namibia's Bwabwata National Park. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30 (1) 223-239
2009. Tourism and enterprises.
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