
An animal that eats meat. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 588 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2002. Carnivore diversity.
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Carnivore 143.89 KB
Edwards S, Cooper S, Uiseb K, Hayward M, Wachter B, Melzheimer J 2018. Making the most of by-catch data: Assessing the feasibility of utilising non-target camera trap data for occupancy modelling of a large felid. African Journal of Ecology
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Making the most of by_catch data.pdf 779.61 KB
Sullivan S 1996. Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land. Journal of Biogeography (23) 1-5
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Sullivan_towards a non_equ ecol_J_Biog_1996.pdf 688.66 KB
Shortridge GC 1934. The Mammals of South West Africa. II
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 1-12
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part1.pdf 652.13 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 13-24
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part2.pdf 613.69 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (12) 25-31
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part3.pdf 372.86 KB
Bartlett J, Bartlett D 1996. The lions of Etosha: A portfolio. Namibia Environment 1 35-40
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The lions of Etosha_A portfolio_1996.pdf 6.75 MB
1996. Galery.  Namibia Environment 1 83-91
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Gallery_1996.pdf 7.9 MB
Gese EM 2004. Survey and census techniques for Canids. Canids: foxes, wolves, jackals, and dogs
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Survey and census techniques for Canids.pdf 289.89 KB
Lindsey PA, Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Bauer H, Dickman A, Everatt K, Flyman M, Henschel P, Hinks AE, Kasiki S, Loveridge A, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza R, Mgoola W, Miller SM, Nazerali S, Siege L, Uiseb K, Hunter LTB 2017. The performance of African protected areas for lions and their prey. Biological Conservation (209) 137-149
Potgieter GC, Marker LL, Avenant NL, Kerley GIH 2013. Why Namibian Farmers Are Satisfied With the Performance of Their Livestock Guarding Dogs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal (18) 403-415
Chardonnet P, Soto B, Fritz H, Crosmary W, Drouet-Hoguet N, Mésochina P, Pellerin M, Mallon D, Bakker L, Boulet H, Lamarque F 2010. Managing the conflicts between people and lion: review and insights from the literature and field experience.
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Managing the conflict between people and lion.pdf 543.44 KB
Rust NA, Marker LL 2013. Cost of carnivore coexistence on communal and resettled land in Namibia. Environmental Conservation (41) 45–53
Packer C, Brink H, Kissui BM, Maliti H, Kushnir H, Caro T 2011. Effects of Trophy Hunting on Lion and Leopard Populations in Tanzania. Conservation Biology (25)
Riggio J, Jacobson A, Dollar L, Bauer H, Becker M, Dickman A, Funston P, Groom R, Henschel P, de Iongh H, Lichtenfeld L, Pimm S 2013. The size of savannah Africa: a lion's (Panthera leo) view. Biodiversity and Conservation (22) 17–35
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The size of savannah Africa_a lions view.pdf 1.2 MB
Packer C, Kosmala M, Cooley HS, Brink H, Pintea L, Garshelis D, Purchase G, Strauss M, Swanson A, Balme G, Hunter L, Nowell K 2009. Sport hunting, predator control and conservation of large carnivores. PLoS ONE (4) e5941
Hunter L, Lindsey P, Balme G, Becker M, Begg C, Brink H, Chardonnet P, Dickman A, Edwards C, Frank L, Funston P, Henschel P, Ikanda D, Kissui B, Loveridge A, Mésochina P, Midlane N, White P, Whitman K 2014. Urgent and comprehensive reform needed in sport hunting of African lions.
Pratt A, Hirst D 2017. Trophy Hunting: UK and international policy. (7908)
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UK Government Parliamentary Brief on Trophy Hunting Feb17.pdf 679.94 KB
Swanepoel LH, Lindsey P, Somers MJ, Van Hoven W, Dalerum F 2014. The Relative Importance of Trophy Harvest and Retaliatory Killing of Large Carnivores: South African Leopards as a Case Study. South African Journal of Wildlife Research (44) 115-134
Wielgus RB, Morrison DE, Cooley HS, Maletzke B 2013. Effects of male trophy hunting on female carnivore population growth and persistence. Biological Conservation (167) 69-75
Miller JRN, Balme G, Lindsey PA, Loveridge AJ, Becker MS, Begg C, Brink H, Dolrenry S, Hunt JE, Jansson I, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza-Chikerema RL, Cotterill AO, Packer C, Rosengren D, Stratford K, Trinkel M, White PA, Winterbach C, Winterbach HEK, Funston PJ 2016. Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions. Biological Conservation (201) 160-168
Loarie SR, Tambling CJ, Asner GP 2013. Lion hunting behaviour and vegetation structure in an African savanna. Animal Behaviour (85) 899-906
2002. 4.52 Wild dog density.
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Fig 4.52 Wild dog 143.89 KB
Ordiz A, Bischof R, Swenson JE 2013. Saving large carnivores, but losing the apex predator?. Biological Conservation (168) 128-133
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Saving large carnivores_but losing the apex predator.pdf 786.07 KB
Davidson Z, Valeix M, Loveridge AJ, Madzikanda H, MacDonald DW 2011. Socio-spatial behaviour of an African lion population following perturbation by sport hunting. Biological Conservation (144) 114-121
Joppa LN, Hutton JM 2012. Trophy hunting of lions in West Africa. Biological Conservation (149) 143
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Trophy hunting of lions in West Africa.pdf 352.28 KB
Corey Wright V 2016. Turbulent times: fighting history today in Tanzania's trophy hunting spaces. Journal of Contemporary African Studies (34) 1-21
2002. 4.51 Cheetah density.
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Fig 4.51 Cheetah 143.89 KB
2002. 4.50 Brown hyaena density.
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Fig 4.50 Brown hyaena 143.89 KB
2002. 4.49 Spotted hyaena density.
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Fig 4.49 Spotted hyaena 143.89 KB
2002. 4.48 Leopard density.
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Fig 4.48 Leopard 143.89 KB
2002. 4.47 Lion density.
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Fig 4.47 Lion 143.89 KB
Stander P 2019. Lions (Panthera leo) specialising on a marine diet in the Skeleton Coast Park, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (3) 1-10
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Lions specialising on a marine diet in the Skeleton Coast Park.pdf 3.29 MB
Jäger HG, Booker HH, Hübschle OJB 1990. Anthrax in Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in Namibia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases (26) 423-424
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Anthrax in Cheetahs in Namibia.pdf 418.05 KB
Berry HH 1993. Surveillance and control of anthrax and rabies in wild herbivores and carnivores in Namibia. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (12) 137-146