
Chapters 9 - end

Publication Year:

About 100 years ago there were probably about six thousand people living in the area we now call Caprivi. Poeple lived off the land, farming, hunting, fishing, and using woodto build there homes and cook their food. The quality of their lives depended on having ready access to good natural resources, and demands for food, water and fuel could easily be met by what the natural environment could supply. With 6,000 people in an area about 20,000 km2 in size, each person had access to more than three square kilometres of land, on average, and all the resources that were available on that piece of land. Now, 100 years later, people still largely depend on what the land has to offer. However, Caprivi now has a population 18 times higher than it was then. Very simply, each person lives off 18 times less land than he or she would have 100 years ago. Much of this book has looked at the current environmental issues and some aspects of these in the past. In looking ahead, there is a need to be mindful of how Caprivi's population is developing, what effort are being made to look after natural resources and how land can be used.

Publication Title:

An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi

Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section
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Profile of caprivi Chapter 9 to end.pdf 3.62 MB