The attempt to catch fish or other aquatic animal with a hook or with nets, traps, etc. (Source: ZINZANa)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 179 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Paterson B, Kainge P 2014. Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery: a case for collaboration between scientists and fishermen. Ecology and Society 19 (2) 49
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Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery.pdf 532.36 KB
Paterson B, Jarre A, Moloney CL, Fairweather TP, Van der Lingen CD, Shannon LJ, Field JG 2007. A fuzzy-logic tool for multi-criteria decision making in fisheries: the case of the South African pelagic fishery. Marine and Freshwater Research 58 1056-1068
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Paterson et al 2007 MFR.pdf 519.16 KB
Paterson B, Norton M, Jarre A, Green L 2014. Chapter 7: Science, fishers' knowledge and Namibia's fishing industry. Africa-centred Knowledges: Crossing Fields and Worlds 111-125
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Science_Fishers Knowledge and Namibias Fishing Industry_2014.pdf 189.59 KB
Kauluma N, Musuka CG, Nyimbili B 2015. Fishing Activities at Lake Liambezi of Caprivi Region in Namibia. Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 2 (3) 1-6
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Fishing Activities at Lake Liambezi of Caprivi Region in Namibia.pdf 250.84 KB
Nichols P 2003. A developing country puts a halt to foreign overfishing. Economic Perspectives 8 (1)
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A Developing Country Puts A Halt To Foreign Overfishing_2003.pdf 152.66 KB
Shannon LV, O'Toole MJ 2003. Sustainability of the Benguela: ex Africa semper aliquid novi. Large Marine Ecosystems of the World: Trends in Exploitation, Protection and Research 227-253
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Sustainability of the Benguela_ex Africa semper aliquid novi.pdf 502.9 KB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2014. Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of the fourth National Development Plan and Associated Policies and Strategies in Namibia.
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RapidSEAon4NDP.pdf 4.18 MB
Tweddle D, Cowx IG, Peel RA, Weyl OLF 2015. Challenges in fisheries management in the Zambezi, one of the great rivers of Africa. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22 99-111
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Tweddle cowx et al zambezi.pdf 959.66 KB
Linhoss AC, Munoz-Carpena R, Allen MS, Kiker G, Mosepele K 2012. A flood pulse driven fish population model for the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ecological Modelling 228 27-38
Braine SG, Braine J 1970. Osprey fishing in shallow water. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 41 (4) 263
de Koning AJ 2005. Phospholipids of marine origin: The orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). South African Journal of Science 101 (10) 414 - 416