drinking water

Water that is agreeable to drink, does not present health hazards and whose quality is normally regulated by legislation. (Source: GUNN)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 54 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stengel HW 1964. The source of drinking water at Gobabeb.
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The source of drinking water at Gobabeb.pdf 5.56 MB
Kluge T, Liehr S, Lux A, Moser P, Niemann S, Umlauf N, Urban W 2008. IWRM concept for the Cuvelai Basin in northern Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33 (1-2) 48-55
Shanyengana ES, Henschel JR, Seely MK, Sanderson RD 2002. Exploring fog as a supplementary water source in Namibia. Atmospheric Research 64 (1-4) 251-259
Thrash I, Theron GK, Bothma J du P 1995. Dry season herbivore densities around drinking troughs in the Kruger National Park. Journal of Arid Environments 29 (2) 213-219
Wanke H, Nakwafila A, Hamutoko JT, Lohe C, Neumbo F, Petrus I, David A, Beukes H, Masule N, Quinger M 2014. Hand dug wells in Namibia: An underestimated water source or a threat to human health?. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 76-78 104-113
Sracek O, Wanke H, Ndakunda NN, Mihaljevic M, Buzek F 2015. Geochemistry and fluoride levels of geothermal springs in Namibia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 148 96-104
2002. 6.38 Access to clean water.
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Fig 6.38 Access to clean water.zip 143.89 KB
Wanke H, Ueland JS, Hipondoka MHT 2017. Spatial analysis of fluoride concentrations in drinking water and population at risk in Namibia. Water SA (43) 413-422
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Spatial analysis of fluoride concentrations in drinking water.pdf 3.08 MB
Naidoo R, Brennan A, Shapiro AC, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, du Preez P, Kilian JW, Stuart-Hill G, Taylor RD 2020. Mapping and assessing the impact of small-scale ephemeral water sources on wildlife in an African seasonal savannah. Ecological Applications In Press
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waterholes_bwabwata_clip2.tif_.zip 3.47 MB
Adam CGW, Naholo S, Mendelsohn JM, Stratford KJ 2024. Drinking and bathing behaviour of raptors in an arid, warm environment: Insights from a long-term camera trapping study in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 9 (A) 18-29
Mukuti OM, Henschel J, Kolb H, Mtuleni VP, Sitiketa V, Shanyengana ES 1998. Testing fog collectors in the Namib Desert.
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Testing fog collectors in the Namib Desert_1998.pdf 185.17 KB
Lahnsteiner J, Lempert G 2007. Water management in Windhoek, Namibia. Water Science and Technology 55 (1-2) 441-448
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Water management in Windhoek_2007.pdf 145.01 KB
Klemm O, Schemenauer RS, Lummerich A, Cereceda P, Marzol V, Corell D, van Heerden J, Reinhard D, Gherezghiher T, Olivier J, Osses P, Sarsour J, Frost E, Estrela MJ, Valiente JA, Fessehaye GM 2012. Fog as a Fresh-Water Resource: Overview and Perspectives. Ambio 41 221-234
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Fog as a Fresh_Water Resource_ Overview and Perspectives_2012.pdf 717.82 KB
Shanyengana ES, Sanderson RD, Seely MK, Schemenauer RS 2003. Testing greenhouse shade nets in collection of fog for water supply. Journal of Water Supply, Research and Technology-Aqua 52 237-241
Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) 2002. National Environmental Health Policy.
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National_Environmental_Health_Policy_2002.pdf 11.29 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Groundwater of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Groundwater_lowres.pdf 885.57 KB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 9 - end. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of caprivi Chapter 9 to end.pdf 3.62 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 6 - 8. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Chapter 6 to 8_1997.pdf 2.96 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 1 - 2, including cover and prelims. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Cover to Chapter 2_1997.pdf 2.48 MB
Matengu K 2013. Towards improving rural water supply and sanitation coverage in Caprivi, North-east Namibia. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1) 21-33