The term land use deals with the spatial aspects of all human activities on the land and with the way in which the land surface is adapted, or could be adapted, to serve human needs. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 339 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Switzer A, Munson L, Beesley C, Wilkins P, Blackburn JK, Marker LL 2016. Namibian farmland cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) demonstrate seronegativity for antibodies against Bacillus anthracis. African Journal of Wildlife Research 46 (2) 139-143
Herman A, Jefta G, Ndeutalala H, Iiputa G, Katshuna M, Matros A, Muduva T, Muvi-Tjikalapo M, Nakale T, Nakathingo H, Nampila J, Nantanga K, Nashipili N, Shigwedha L, Thomas T 2000. Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River System: The Kuiseb Basin.
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Influence of Farm Dams on Water Balance in an Ephemeral River.pdf 5.52 MB
Diekmann U, Thiem M, Dirkx E, Hays J 2014. "Scraping the pot" - San in Namibia two decades after independence.
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San in Namibia two decades after independence.pdf 26.31 MB
Schneider GIC, Walmsley B 2004. The Sperrgebiet Land Use Plan – An example of integrated Management of Natural Resources. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 13 23-32
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The Sperrgebiet Land Use Plan_2004.pdf 636.38 KB
Vanderpost C, Ringrose S, Seely M 2005. Preliminary land-use and land-cover mapping in the upper Okavango Basin and implications for the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 236-252
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2015. Land and Property Rights - Junior Farmer Field and Life School, facilitator's guide. Junior Farmer Field and Life School – Manuals for Trainers
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Land and Property Rights_FAO.pdf 1.56 MB
1999. Land Policy in developing countries.
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Land policy in developing countries.pdf 686.81 KB
Banerjee AV 1999. Land Reforms: Prospects and Strategies.
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Land reforms_prospects and strategies.pdf 73.13 KB
von Carlowitz L, Mandimika P 2015. Promoting dialogue and raising awareness: Land reform and the Arts in Namibia.
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Land reform and the Arts in Namibia.pdf 516.89 KB
Colpaert A, Matengu K, Polojärvi K 2013. Land use practices in Caprivi's changing political environment. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (2) 141-162
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Land use practices in Caprivis changing political environment.pdf 556.02 KB
Natural Resource Services 2002. Botswana National Land Policy - Issues Report (revised), 18 September 2002.
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Botswana National Land policy 2002.pdf 324.29 KB
Hipondoka MHT 2005. The development and evolution of Etosha Pan.
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The development and evolution of Etosha Pan.pdf 6.86 MB
Schröter M, Jakoby O, Olbrich R, Eichhorn M, Baumgärtner S 2009. Remote sensing of bush encroachment on commercial cattle farms in semi-arid rangelands in Namibia.
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Schroter_2009 - remote sense bush encroach.pdf 988.07 KB
Adams F, Werner W, Vale P 1990. The land issue in Namibia: An inquiry.
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The_land_Issue_Namibia_An Inquiry.pdf 23.05 MB
Ministry of Lands and Resettlemet 2005. Background research work and findings of the PTT studies.
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Background research work and findings of the PTT studies_2005.pdf 42.04 MB
Ministry of Lands and Resettlemet 2011. Karas Intergrated Regional Land Use Plan: 2011 - 2016.
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Karas Land Use Plan.pdf 17 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Calender.
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TFO CalenderEnd.pdf 7.09 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Conclusões, Cenários e Recomendações para Ações. Síntese do Relatório Final do Projeto de Pesquisa, 2010 a 2015.
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TFO__Report_portuguguese_small_version.pdf 9.11 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Findings, Scenarios and Recommendations for Action. Research Project Final Synthesis, Report 2010 - 2015.
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TFO__Report_engl_compiled_small_version.pdf 8.93 MB
Röder A, Pröpper M, Stellmes M, Schneibel A, Hill J 2015. Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations in across-border situation in Northern Namibia and Southern Angola. Land Use Policy 42 340-354
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Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations_2015.pdf 7.36 MB