
"Scraping the pot" - San in Namibia two decades after independence

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The term 'scraping the pot' derives from a popular Ju|'hoan folk tale, 'Tug of War' (recorded in Biesele 2009: 39-44), which tells the story of how San people came to be oppressed by others. The notion of 'scraping the pot' after all the others have eaten summarises the feelings of many San today, two decades after Namibia's Independence: they feel left behind while other Namibians enjoy the fruits of Independence. The Namibian Government and many other stakeholders have put much effort into improving the circumstances of the San, yet still, everywhere in the country, they remain in a very marginal position. This report sheds light on their current circumstances, and provides insight into the underlying causes of their continued marginalisation. We hope that a better understanding will lead to more effective cooperation between the San communities and those who wish to support them in confronting the challenges still facing them.

Legal Assistance Centre and Desert Research Foundation of Namibia
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