
Review of Wildlife Issues Associated with the Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe

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Land reform in Zimbabwe is currently being implemented through a fast-track programme in accordance with political and social factors that are beyond the role of WWF to comment upon. However, arising from this programme are serious environmental impacts, including some in WWF project sites such as the Lowveld conservancies, where WWF and partner organizations have invested heavily in rhino conservation since 1990. In view of these environmental concerns, and in response to a recent call for information by the Zimbabwe Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines, Energy, Environment and Tourism, WWF has compiled the following report to highlight the wildlife impacts. Early in this report, some general comments are made on issues that appear to WWF to be central to the implementation of wildlife-based land reform, and a process is suggested whereby meaningful steps can be taken to achieve this reform. These comments arise from and are informed by constructive discussions between WWF and the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, and will therefore not be new to some of the senior officials involved in the land reform programme. The general impression that WWF has gained from these discussions is that official policy on wildlifebased land reform remains sufficiently flexible to accommodate suggestions from stakeholders and technical agencies, and it is with this understanding that this document has been prepared. WWF hopes to contribute to the development of solutions to the environmental and socio-economic problems that are associated with the land reform programme, through the provision of impartial technical advice to all stakeholders.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Southern African Regional Programme Office
Series Title:
WWF-SARPO Occasional Paper
Item Type:

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