A bound collection of maps or charts, plates, engravings or tables illustrating any subject. (Source: CCL / RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 398 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Harrison JA, Underhill LG, Barnard P 2008. The seminal legacy of the Southern African bird atlas project. South Africa Journal of Science 104 82-84
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The seminal legacy of the Southern African bird atlas project.pdf 177.04 KB
Robertson A, Jarvis AM, Brown CJ, Simmons RE 1998. Avian diversity and endemism in Namibia: Patterns from the Southern African Bird Atlas Project. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 495 - 511
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Avian diversity and endemism in Namibia_1998.pdf 3.41 MB
Williams AJ 1983. Atlassing in the Windhoek-Okanhandja hinterland. Lanioturdus 18 (10) 1-2
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Atlassing in the Windhoek_Okanhandja hinterland_1983.pdf 179.4 KB
1982. The Bird Atlas goes on. Lanioturdus 18 (4) 4-6
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The Bird Atlas goes on.pdf 338.73 KB
Mendelsohn J, Weber B 2015. An Atlas and Profile of Moxico, Angola.
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Moxico Angola Atlas and profile.pdf 24.59 MB
Namibia Statistics Agency 2013. Namibia 2011 Census Atlas.
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Namibia Census_Atlas_Final_12_07_2013.pdf 24.55 MB
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2010. Africa Water Atlas.
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Africa Water Atlas_UNEP_2010.pdf 38.98 MB
Crawford RJM, Simmons RE 1997. Dama Tern. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 1 480-481
Hanssen L, Stander P 2004. Namibia Large Carnivore Atlas.
O'Connor RJ, Fuller RJ 1985. Bird population responses to habitat. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bird Census and Atlas Work 197-211
Skinner NJ, Pomeroy DE 1991. Bird atlases and censuses in Africa. Bird Census News 4 (1) 5 – 12
Harrison JA 1987. The Southern African Bird Atlas Project. South African Journal of Science 83 400 – 401
Harrison JA, Allan DG, Underhill LG, Brown CJ 1997. The Atlas of Southern African Birds.
Harrison JA 1992. The Southern African Bird Atlas Project: five years of growth. South Africa Journal of Science 88 410-413
Curtis B, Mannheimer C 2005. Tree Atlas of Namibia.
Morebodi BBH 2001. Botswana National Atlas.
Simmons RE 1997. Monteiro's hornbill Tockus monteiri. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 706-707
Simmons RE 1997. Ruppell's parrot Poicephalus rueppellii. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 532-533
Simmons RE 1997. Barecheeked babbler Turdoides gymnogenys. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 130-131
Simmons RE 1997. Carp's black tit Parus carpi. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 116-117
Simmons RE 1997. Rockrunner Achaetops pycnopygius. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 285
Simmons RE 1997. Whitetailed shrike Lanioturdus torquatus. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 442-443
Simmons RE 1997. The Atlas of Southern African Birds. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 224
du Plessis MA 1997. Violet woodhoopoe Phoeniculus damarensis. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 692
Underhill LG, Brown CJ 1997. Rufoustailed palm thrush Cichladusa ruficauda. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 205
Simmons RE, Herremans M 1997. Hartlaub's babbler Turdoides hartlaubii. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 127
Barnard P 1997. Cinderella waxbill Estrilda thomensis. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 617
Mundy PJ 1997. Yellowbilled oxpecker. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 480 - 481
Mundy PJ 1997. Redbilled oxpecker. The Atlas of Southern African Birds 482-483
Williams AJ 1985. South West Africa/Namibia bird atlas. Guidelines for the bird atlas of southern Africa