A dense growth of trees more extensive than a grove and smaller than a forest. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 108 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
National Planning Commission 2013. Energy demand and forecasting in Namibia - Energy for economic development.
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Energy demand and forecasting in Namibia.pdf 3.16 MB
Strohbach BJ, Kabajani MW, Ntesa C, Ndjamba J, Shekunyenge A, Amutenya JU 2015. Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon, Namibia. II. Harvestable wood biomass. Dinteria 35 74-87
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Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon_Namibia_ II.pdf 465.47 KB
Kojwang HO 2005. Forest Outlook studies in Africa (FOSA) - Namibia.
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Forest Outlook studies in Africa.pdf 196.04 KB
Zimmermann I, Joubert DF 2002. A crude quantification of wood that is and can be harvested from bush thickening species in Namibia. Proceedings of the First National Forestry Research Workshop held on 12 and 13 March 2002. Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Forestry Publication 9 56-66
Jacobson PJ, Jacobson KM, Angermeier PL, Cherry DS 1999. Transport, retention, and ecological significance of woody debris within a large ephemeral river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 18 (4) 429 - 444
Curtis B, Mannheimer C 2005. Tree Atlas of Namibia.
Bembridge TJ 1990. Woodfuel in Ciskei: A Headload Story. South African Forest Journal 154 88-93
du Toit B, Malherbe GF, Lambrechts H, Naidoo S, Eatwell K 2018. Market analysis to assess timber products from dryland woodlots and farm forests in South Africa. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 336-342
Ellery WN, McCarthy TS, Dangerfield JM 1998. Biotic Factors in Mima Mound development: Evidence from the Floodplains of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. International Journal of Ecology and Enviromental Sciences 24 293 - 313
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Biotic Factors in Mima Mound development_1988.pdf 1.2 MB
Siiskonen H 1996. Deforestation in the Owambo Region, north Namibia, since the 1850s. Environment and History 2 (3) 291-308
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Deforestation in the Owambo Region_north Namibia_ since the 1850s.pdf 189.97 KB
Davies JE, Bowles J 1976. Ecology of the tsetse fly in the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 140-152
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Ecology of the tsetse fly in the Okavango Delta_1976.pdf 6.12 MB
Seely M, Klintenberg P 2011. Case Study Desertification: Central-Northern Namibia. Silviculture in the Tropics 491-499
Barnes JI, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI, MacGregor J 2005. Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts for forest resources in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 70_2005.pdf 1.43 MB
Suich H, Murphy C 2002. Crafty women: The livelihood impact of craft income in Caprivi.
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Research Discussion Paper 48_2002.pdf 250.99 KB
Bamford MK 2003. Fossil woods from Auchas and their palaeoenvironment. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Namibia 19 23-34
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Fossil woods from Auchas and their palaeoenvironment.pdf 1.9 MB
Laubscher JAM 1985. Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool. Agricola 2 33-36
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Produksiekoste van brandhout en houtskool.pdf 651.32 KB
Bester F, Reed E 1997. Charcoal production in the Karstveld. Facts to ponder upon.
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Charcoal production in the Karstveld_1997.pdf 1.92 MB
Haeruman H 1995. Appendix 4.3.2: Environmental Dimensions od Non-Wood Forest Products. International Expert Consultation on Non-Wood Forest Products
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Environmental_Dimensions_of_Non-wood_Forests_Products_Haeruman.pdf 1.04 MB