
A material that can be ingested and utilized by the organism as a source of nutrition and energy. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 159 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2013. Namibia BEFS Country Brief.
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Namibia Bioenergy and Food Security.pdf 892.18 KB
Rukandema M, Breen J, Fanikiso M, Sanchis PH 2009. FAO/WFP crop, livestock and food security assessment mission to Namibia, 14 July 2009.
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GIEWS Special Report_Namibia_14 July 2009.pdf 277.83 KB
Ministry of Higher Education, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2004. Food and Nutrition - A Handbook for Namibian Volunteer Leaders.
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Food _ Nutrition_A Handbook for Namibian Volunteer Leaders.pdf 3.93 MB
Mittendorfer E 2001. FAO Nutrition Country Profiles - Namibia.
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FAO Nutrition Country Profiles.pdf 753.94 KB
López-López P, García-Ripollés C, Urios V 2014. Food predictability determines space use of endangered vultures: implications for management of supplementary feeding. Ecological Applications 24 938-949
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Food predictability determines space use of endangered vultures.pdf 1.17 MB
Obilana AB 1998. Sorghum Improvement. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 4-17
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Sorhum improvement.pdf 623.47 KB
Monyo ES 1998. 15 Years of Pearl Millet Improvement in the SADC Region. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 17-33
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15 Years of Pearl Millet Improvement in the SADC region.pdf 700.1 KB
Heinrich GM 1998. Technology Exchange in Phase III of SMIP. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 53-63
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Technology Exchange in Phase III of SMIP.pdf 580.97 KB
Rohrbach DD, Mutiro K 1998. Sorghum and Pearl Millet Production, Trade, and Consumption in Southern Africa. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 33-41
Rohrbach DD 1998. Socioeconomics in SMIP: Research Highlights, Impacts, and Implications. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 41-53
Tsvetova MI, Belyaeva EV, Enaleeva NK 1998. Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum Autotetraploids. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 66-67
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Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum.pdf 438.25 KB
1998. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 39, 1998. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39
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International sorghum and millets newsletter 1998.pdf 2.86 MB
Pendleton W, Crush J, Nickanor N 2014. Migrant Windhoek: Rural–Urban Migration and Food Security in Namibia. Urban Forum 25 (2) 191-205
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Migrant Windhoek Rural_Urban Migration and Food.pdf 410.87 KB
Plumpton DL, Lutz RS 1993. Prey selection and food-habits of Burrowing Owls in Colorado. Great Basin Naturalist 53 (3) 299 - 304
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Prey selection and food_habits of Burrowing Owls in Colorado.pdf 1.57 MB
Ipinge SA, Lechner WR, Monyo ES 1994. Development of a National Pearl Millet Breeding Program for Namibia. Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa
Vital Solutions PhytoTrade Africa and Phytopharm 2009. Hoodia gordonii as a functional food ingredient.
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Hoodia_VS PTA and PYM presentation.pdf 2.41 MB
Carr S 2011. Indigenous Green Leafy Vegetables.
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Indigenous Green Leafy Vegetables.pdf 2.35 MB
Jackson JC, Duodu KG, Holse M, Lima de Faria MD, Jordaan D, Chingwaru W, Hansen A, Cencic A, Kandawa-Schultz M, Mpotokwane SM, Chimwamurombe P, de Kock HL, Minnaar A 2010. Chapter 5 – The Morama Bean (Tylosema esculentum): A Potential Crop for Southern Africa. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 61 187-246
Kühnelt W 1965. Nahrungsbeziehungen innerhalb der Tierwelt der Namibwüste (Südwestafrika). Nahrungsbeziehungen innerhalb der Tierwelt der Namibwüste (Südwestafrika) 185-190
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Nahrungsbeziehungen innerhalb der Tierwelt der Namibwueste_Preview.pdf 352.93 KB
Clousley-Thompson JL 1996. Community Processes. Biotic Interactions in Arid Lands 127-167
Hamilton III WJ, Buskirk RE, Buskirk WH 1978. Omnivory and Utilization of Food Resources by Chacma Baboons, Papio ursinus. The American Naturalist 112 (987) 911-924
Berry HH 1980. The energy saving flamingo. SWA Annual 1980
Smith AB 1992. Origins and Spread of Pastoralism in Africa. Annual Review of Anthropology 21 125-141
Grant CV, Steele BB, Bayn RL 1991. Raptor population-dynamics in Utah Uinta Basin - the importance of food resource. Southwestern Naturalist 36 (3) 265 - 280
van Jaarsveld AS, Biggs R, Scholes RJ, Bohensky E, Reyers B, Lynam T, Musvoto C, Fabricius C 2005. Measuring conditions and trends in ecosystem services at multiple scales: The Southern African millennium ecosystem assessment (SAFMA) experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 360 (1454) 425 - 441
de Koning AJ 2005. Phospholipids of marine origin: The orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). South African Journal of Science 101 (10) 414 - 416