Benguela Current

Benguela Current

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Displaying results 601 - 650 of 663 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hutchings L, Van der Lingen CD, Shannon LJ, Crawford RJM, Verheye HMS, Bartholomae CH, van der Plas AK, Louw D 2009. The Benguela Current: An ecosystem of four components. Progress in Oceanography 83 15 - 32
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Hutchings et al 2009 The Benguela in four parts.pdf 2.51 MB
Shillington FA, Reason CJC, Duncombe Rae CM, Florenchie P, Penven P 2006. Large scale physical variability of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME). Large Marine Ecosystems 14
Molloy FJ 1990. Utilized and potentially utilizable seaweeds on the Namibian coast: Biogeography and accessibility. Hydrobiologia 204 - 205 293 - 299
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seaweed Molloy.pdf 73.75 KB
Bartholomae CH, van der Plas AK 2007. Towards the development of environmental indices for the Namibian shelf, with particular reference to fisheries management. African Journal of Marine Science 29 (1) 25 - 35
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fisheries management.pdf 1.13 MB
Durham EL, Maslin MA, Platzman E, Rosell-Mele A, Marlow JR, Leng M, Lowry D, Burns SJ 2001. Reconstructing the climatic history of the western coast of Africa over the past 1.5 M.Y.. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 175
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West coast climate history.pdf 3.1 MB
Currie H, Grobler K, Kemper J 2008. Namibian Islands' Marine Protected Area.
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Namibian islands Marine Protected Area WWF report.pdf 4.86 MB
Mather AA, Garland GG, Stretch DD 2009. Southern African sea levels: Corrections, influences and trends. African Journal of Marine Science 31 (2) 145 - 156
Findlay KP, Best PB, Ross GJB, Cockcroft VG 1992. The distribution of small Odontocete Cetaceans off the coast of South Africa and Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 237 - 270
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Kirkman SP 2007. Chapter 42: Revision of the conservation status of seabirds and seals breeding in the Benguela Ecosystem. Final report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) project on top predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME 325-342
Boyer DC, Hampton I 2001. An overview of the living marine resources of Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 5 - 35
Mendelsohn JM, Jarvis AM, Roberts CS, Robertson T 2002. Atlas of Namibia.
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Swart R 1988. Notes on the geology of some of the guano islands off the coast of Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 4 101-103
Walter CB, Duffy DC, Cooper J, Suter W 1987. Cape anchovy in Swift Tern diets and in fishery landings in the Benguela upwelling region. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 17 139 - 141
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Walter_1987_SA_J_Wildl_Res_17_swift_tern_diet.pdf 237.3 KB
Shortridge GC 1934. Cape Clawless Otter - Kaapse Otter Aonyx capensis Schinz. The Mammals of South West Africa 189-192
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Cape clawless otter.pdf 2.93 MB
Shortridge GC 1934. Spotted-Necked Otter - Gevlekte Otter Lutra (Hydrogale) maculicollis Lichtenstein. The Mammals of South West Africa 187-189
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Spotted_necked and Cape Clawless Otters_Shortridge 1934.pdf 3.84 MB
Bluck BJ, Ward JD, Cartwright J, Swart R 2007. The Orange River, southern Africa: an extreme example of a wave-dominated sediment dispersal system in the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Geological Society 164 341-351
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The Orange River_southern Africa.pdf 698.56 KB
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2017. High-seas heroes saving albatrosses from extinction: A decade of success. 102-105
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High_seas heroes saving albatrosses from extinction.pdf 254.58 KB
Crawford RJM, Makhado AB, Whittington PA, Randall RM, Oosthuizen WH, Waller LJ 2015. A changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa—the possible impact of climate and its consequences. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Review Article
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A changing distribution of seabirds in South Africa_2015.pdf 2.47 MB
Tess T, Roux J-P, Best PB, Elwen SH, Smale MJ 2013. Records of kogiid whales in Namibia, including the first record of the dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima). Marine Biodiversity Records 6
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Kogia records in Namibia.pdf 283.74 KB
Elwen SH, Tonachella N, Barendse J, Collins T, Best PB, Rosenbaum HC, Leeney RH, Gridley T 2013. Humpback whales in Namibia 2005-2012: occurrence, seasonality and a regional comparison of photographic catalogues and scarring rates with Gabon and West South Africa.
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Namibian Humpback whales.pdf 1.36 MB
Elwen SH, Findlay KP, Kiszka J, Weir CR 2011. Cetacean research in the southern African subregion: a review of previous studies and current knowledge. African Journal of Marine Science 33 (3) 469-493
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Cetacean research in the southern African subregion_2011.pdf 375.88 KB
Kriesell HJ, Elwen SH, Nastasi A, Gridley T 2014. Identification and characteristics of signature whistles in wild Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Namibia. Plos ONE 9 (9) e106317
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Signature whistles of Namibian Bottlenose dolphins.pdf 2.55 MB
Barendse J, Best PB, Thornton M, Elwen SH, Rosenbaum HC, Carvalho I, Pomilla C, Collins TJO, Meÿer MA, Leeney RH 2011. Transit station or destination? Attendance patterns, movements and abundance estimate of humpback whales off west South Africa from photographic and genotypic matching. African Journal of Marine Science 33 (3) 353-373
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Transit station or destination Humpback whales in SWA.pdf 965.68 KB
Kolberg H 2015. Namibia's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2: NA014 Sandwich Harbour. Lanioturdus 48 (3) 10-18
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Namibias Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas 2.pdf 5.15 MB
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Cooper J, Brooke RK 2010. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Cape gannet Morus capensis. South African Journal of Marine Science 1 (1) 153-174
Penrith MJ, Penrith M-L 1983. Range extensions of blennioid fishes on the southern African west coast. African Zoology 18 (2) 144-147
Zimmer C 1916. Crustacea IV: Cumacea und Schizopoda. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 56-67
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Crustacea IV_Cumacea und Schizopoda_1916.pdf 7.66 MB