Benguela Current

Benguela Current

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 663 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hoetzel S, Dupont LM, Wefer G 2015. Miocene–Pliocene vegetation change in south-western Africa (ODP Site 1081, offshore Namibia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 423 102-108
Jegen M, Avdeeva A, Berndt C, Franz G, Heincke B, Hölz S, Neska A, Marti A, Planert L, Chen J, Kopp H, Baba K, Ritter O, Weckmann U, Meqbel N, Behrmann J 2016. 3-D magnetotelluric image of offshore magmatism at the Walvis Ridge and rift basin. Tectonophysics 683 98-108
Jansen T, Kristensen K, Kainge P, Durholtz D, Stromme T, Thygesen UH, Wilhelm MR, Kathena J, Fairweather TP, Paulus S, Degel H, Lipinski MR, Beyer JE 2016. Migration, distribution and population (stock) structure of shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem inferred using a geostatistical population model. Fisheries Research 179 156-167
Ohde T, Mohrholz V 2011. Interannual variability of sulphur plumes off the Namibian coast. International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (24) 9327-9342
Tlhalerwa K, Freiman MT, Piketh SJ 2012. Aerosol deposition off the southern African west coast by berg winds. South African Geographical Journal 87 (2) 152-161
Roux J-P, Van der Lingen CD, Gibbons MJ, Moroff NE, Shannon LJ, Smith ADM, Cury PM 2013. Jellyfication of Marine Ecosystems as a Likely Consequence of Overfishing Small Pelagic Fishes: Lessons from the Benguela. Bulletin of Marine Science 89 (1) 249-284
Jarre A, Paterson B, Moloney CL, Miller DCM, Field JG, Starfield AM 2008. Knowledge-based systems as decision support tools in an ecosystem approach to fisheries: Comparing a fuzzy-logic and a rule-based approach. Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4) 390-400
Ward JD, Corbett I 1990. Towards an age for the Namib. Namib ecology: 25 years of Namib research 17-26
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Towards an age for the Namib.pdf 1.48 MB
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast Chapter 1: Introducing the Coast of Namibia. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures 4-19
O'Toole M 1996. Namibia's marine environment. Namibia Environment 1 51-55
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Namibias marine environment_1996.pdf 6.35 MB
Orani AM, Vassileva E, Wysocka I, Angelidis M, Rozmaric M, Louw D 2018. Baseline study on trace and rare earth elements in marine sediments collected along the Namibian coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin (131) 386-395
Kirkman SP, Nsingi KK 2019. Chapter 3: Marine Biodiversity of Angola: Biogeography and Conservation. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 43-52
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Marine Biodiversity of Angola_Biogeography and Conservation.pdf 383.63 KB
Mateus O, Callapez PM, Polcyn MJ, Schulp AS, Gonçalves AO, Jacobs LL 2019. Chapter 4: The Fossil Record of Biodiversity in Angola Through Time: A Paleontological Perspective. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 53-76
Weir CR 2019. Chapter 16: The Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) of Angola. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 445-470
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The Cetaceans_Whales and Dolphins_of Angola.pdf 1.07 MB
Jarre A, Hutchings L, Kirkman S, Kreiner A, Tchipalanga PCM, Kainge P, Uanivi U, Van der Plas A, Blamey L, Coetzee J, Lamont T, Samaai T, Verheye H, Yemane D, Axelsen BE, Ostrowski M, Stenevik EK, Loeng H 2015. Synthesis: Climate effects on biodiversity, abundance and distribution of marine organisms in the Benguela. Fisheries Oceanography (24) 122-149
Marine Spatial Planning - MARISMA.
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Marine Spatial Planning_Marisma.pdf 2.57 MB
Rohde RF, Hoffman MT, Durbach T, Venter Z, Jack S 2019. Vegetation and climate change in the Pro-Namib and Namib Desert based on repeat photography: Insights into climate trends. Journal of Arid Environments (165) 119-131
Corbett I 2018. The Influence of the Benguela Low-Level Coastal Jet on the Architecture and Dynamics of Aeolian Transport Corridors in the Sperrgebiet, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia (20) 9-58
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Benguela Low_Level Coastal Jet.pdf 6.92 MB
1998. Focus on Fisheries and Research. Namibia Brief (20 January 1998)
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Cover page.pdf 2.53 MB
Amutenya P 1998. Criteria for granting rights and allocation of fishing quatoas. Focus on Fisheries and Research (January 1998) 153
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Criteria for granting rights and allocation of fishing quatoas.pdf 1.06 MB