
National overview for Marine Spatial Planning and Knowledge Baseline for Namibia's 1st Marine Spatial Plan


Namibia's ocean is integral to who we are as a nation. It is one of our greatest assets. Our valuable ocean resources however need to be governed wisely. This will ensure they remain healthy and productive so that current and future generations will continue benefitting. Namibia has chosen Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) as an approach to implement a sustainable ocean development path as part of the country's development priorities identified in the National Development Plan 5 (NDP5). Namibia defines MSP as "a participative decision-making process that guides where and when human activities occur in marine spaces, providing for comprehensive, integrated and complementary planning and management across all sectors and for all ocean uses in order to enable sustainable ocean development". The Namibian Cabinet has tasked the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to coordinate the process of MSP in Namibia. In this capacity, MFMR collaborates with all relevant national authorities that have a mandate relating to marine planning and management. MSP also engages all other stakeholders concerned (marine users and regulators) to ensure and enable a cooperative process in working towards agreed Marine Spatial Plan(s).

Current Status Report
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