Atlantic Ocean

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Displaying results 551 - 600 of 780 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
de Rock P, Elwen SH, Roux JP, Leeney RH, James BS, Visser V, Martin MJ, Gridley T 2019. Predicting large-scale habitat suitability for cetaceans off Namibia using MinxEnt. Marine Ecology Progress Series 619 149-167
Thomson GC, Shaanika T, Matjila S, Paterson J 2021. Gliding into a brighter future - Albatrosses and Namibian fisheries. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 60-65
Martin M, Charrier I, Elwen S, Gridley T 2021. Conversations in the cacophony - How cape fur seals communicate within their massive breeding colony. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 22-25
Flynn BA, Richardson AJ, Brierley AS, Boyer DC, Axelsen BE, Scott L, Moroff NE, Kainge PI, Tjizoo BM, Gibbons MJ 2012. Temporal and spatial patterns in the abundance of jellyfish in the northern Benguela upwelling ecosystem and their link to thwarted pelagic fishery recovery.   African Journal of Marine Science 34 (1) 131-146
Kirchner CH, Sakko AL, Barnes JI 2000. An economic valuation of the Namibian recreational shore-angling fishery. African Journal of Marine Science 22 17-25
Hamukuaya H, Bianchi G, Baird D The structure of demersal assemblages off Namibia in relation to abiotic factors. African Journal of Marine Science 23 397-417
Boyer DC, Kirchner CH, McAllister MK, Staby A, Staalesen BI 2001. The orange roughy fishery of Namibia: lessons to be learned about managing a developing fishery. African Journal of Marine Science 23 205-221
Kirkman SP, Oosthuizen WH, Meÿer MA, Seakamela SM, Underhill LG 2011. Prioritising range-wide scientific monitoring of the Cape fur seal in southern Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 33 (3) 495-509
Sherley RB, Crawford RJM, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Makhado AB, Masotla M, Pichegru L, Pistorius PA, Roux J-P, Ryan PG, Tom D, Upfold L, Winker H 2019. The status and conservation of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis. Ostrich 90 (4) 335-346
Dyer BM, Cooper J, Crawford RJM, Sherley RB, Somhlaba S, Cockcroft A, Upfold L, Makhado AB 2020. Geographical and temporal variation in the diet of Bank Cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus in South Africa. Ostrich 90 (4) 373-390
Ras V, Neethling S, Engelbrecht A, Morandini AC, Bayha KM, Skrypzeck H, Gibbons MJ 2020. There are three species of Chrysaora (Scyphozoa: Discomedusae) in the Benguela upwelling ecosystem, not two. Zootaxa 4778 (3) 401-438
Ma KCK, McQuaid CD, Pulfrich A, Robinson TB 2020. Status of a decennial marine invasion by the bisexual mussel Semimytilus algosus (Gould, 1850) in South Africa.   African Journal of Marine Science 42 (4) 507-515
Crawford RJM 2007. Food, fishing and seabirds in the Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Ornithology 148 (2) 253-260
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Food_fishing and seabirds in the Benguela upwelling system_2007.pdf 243.22 KB
Vanstreels RET, Parsons NJ, McGeorge C, Hurtado R, Ludynia K, Waller L, Ruthenberg M, Purves A, Pichegru L, Pistorius PA 2019. Identification of land predators of African Penguins Spheniscus demersus through post-mortem examination. Ostrich 90 (4) 359-372
Grobler CAF, Ndjaula HON 2002. Namibian Jasus lalandii recruitment: size, weight and growth of pueruli and early juveniles. Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (8) 1277-1281
Ministry of Works Transport and Communication 2007. National Oil Spill Contingency Plan.
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National Oil Spill Contingency Plan 2007.pdf 1.76 MB
International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) 2013. Report of the National workshop for the finalization of the sensitivity mapping project. 37
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Skeleton Coast Park.
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Skeleton Coast Park.pdf 6.35 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Sperrgebiet National Park - Wildlife wonders in the Sperrgebiet National Park.
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History sheet Sperrgebiet.pdf 686.94 KB
Crawford RJM, Sydeman WJ, Tom DB, Thayer JA, Sherley RB, Shannon LJ, Mcinnes AM, Makhado AB, Hagen C, Furness RW, Carpenter-Kling T, Saraux C 2022. Food limitation of seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem and management of their prey base.   Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (A) 1-13
Amakali AM, Halajian A, Wilhelm MR, Tjipute M, Heckmann R, Luus-Powell W 2022. Selected parasites of silver kob (Argyrosomus inodorus) (Actinopterygii: Sciaenidae) from northern Namibia. South African Journal of Science 118 (1/2)
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Selected parasites of silver kob.pdf 494.59 KB
Zongwe DP 2021. The Law of the Sea in Namibia.
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The Law of the Sea in Namibia.pdf 439.26 KB
Leeney RH 2021. Towards sustainability of marine wildlife-watching tourism in Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 68 5-29