Atlantic Ocean

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 780 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Diester-Haass L, Heine K, Rothe P, Schrader H 1988. Late Quaternary history of continental climate and the Benguela Current off South West Africa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 65 (1-2) 81-91
Eckardt FD, Schemenauer RS 1998. Fog water chemistry in the Namib desert, Namibia. Atmospheric Environment 32 (14-15) 2595-2599
Brüchert V, Currie B, Peard KR, Lass U, Endler R, Dübecke A, Julies E, Leipe T, Zitzmann S 2006. Biogeochemical and physical control on shelf anoxia and water column hydrogen sulphide in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia. Past and Present Water Column Anoxia 64 161-193
Zettler ML, Bochert R, Pollehne F 2009. Macrozoobenthos diversity in an oxygen minimum zone off northern Namibia. Marine Biology 159 (6) 1949-1961
Harris L, Holness S, Nel R, Lombard AT, Schoeman D 2013. Intertidal habitat composition and regional-scale shoreline morphology along the Benguela coast. Journal of Coastal Conservation 17 (1) 143-154
Olivier J 1992. Some spatial and temporal aspects of fog in the Namib. SA Geographer 19 (1/2) 108-126
Whittington PA, Randall RM, Crawford RJM, Wolfaardt AC, Klages NTW, Randall BM, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, Jones R 2005. Patterns of immigration to and emigration from breeding colonies by African penguins. African Journal of Marine Science 27 (1) 205-213
Whittington PA, Randall RM, Randall BM, Wolfaardt AC, Crawford RJM, Klages NTW, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, Jones R 2005. Patterns of movements of the African penguin in South Africa and Namibia. African Journal of Marine Science 27 (1) 215-229
Crawford RJM, David JHM, Shannon LJ, Kemper J, Klages NTW, Roux J-P, Underhill LG, Ward VL, Williams AJ, Wolfaardt AC 2001. African penguins as predators and prey - coping (or not) with change. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 435-447
Alexander WB 1963. Birds of the Atlantic Ocean.
Stokes T, Shackleton K 1968. Birds of the Atlantic Ocean.
Shaughnessy PD, Voisin J-F 1981. Observations of Giant Petrels Macronectes spp. Along the Atlantic coast of southern Africa. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore 199 - 213
Kuhn B, Wiesel I, Skinner J 2008. Diet of brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea) on the Namibian Coast. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 63 (2) 150-159
Williams AJ 2006. The status of the Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea on the Namib coast. The annual cycle of the Curlew Sandpiper-International Wader Studies 19 156-159
van Zinderen Bakker EM 1975. The origin and palaeoenvironment of the Namib Desert biome. Journal of Biogeography 2 (2) 65-73
Canaris AG, Kinsella JM, Braby R 2003. Helminth parasite communities in two species of shorebirds (Charadrii) from Namibia. Comparative Parasitology 70 (2) 155-161
Dingle RV, Bremner JM, Giraudeau J, Buhmann D 1996. Modern and palaeooceanographic environments under Benguela upwelling cells of southern Namibia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 123 (1-4) 85-105
Steckel J, Penrith ML, Henschel J, Brandl R, Meyer J 2010. A preliminary molecular phylogeny of the Namib Desert darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae). African Zoology 45 107-114
Mecenero S, Underhill LG, Krakstad J-E, Kirkman SP, Roux J-P 2007. Overlap in utilization of juvenile Cape horse mackerel by Cape fur seals and the purse-seine fishery in Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37 (1) 17-29
Wasmund N, Struck U, Hansen A, Flohr A, Nausch G, Grüttmüller A, Voss M 2015. Missing nitrogen fixation in the Benguela region. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 1 30-41