
The mass of unit volume of a substance. (Source: UVAROV)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 52 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Thrash I, Theron GK, Bothma J du P 1995. Dry season herbivore densities around drinking troughs in the Kruger National Park. Journal of Arid Environments 29 (2) 213-219
Bart J, Klosiewski SP 1989. Use of presence-absence to measure changes in avian density. Journal of Wildlife Management 53 (3) 847-852
Edwards S, Aschenborn O, Gange AC, Wiesel I 2016. Leopard density estimates from semi-desert commercial farmlands, southwest Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 54 (1) 103-106
Pianka ER 1971. Lizard species density in the Kalahari Desert. Ecology (52) 1024-1029
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Lizard species density in the Kalahari Desert.pdf 2.41 MB
Hauwanga WN, McBenedict B, Strohbach BJ 2018. Trends of phanerophyte encroacher species along an aridity gradient on Kalahari sands, central Namibia. European Journal of Ecology 4 (2) 41-48
Packer C, Loveridge A, Canney S, Caro T, Garnett ST, Pfeifer M, Zander KK, Swanson A, MacNulty D, Balme G, Bauer H, Begg CM, Begg KS, Bhalla S, Bissett C, Bodasing T, Brink H, Burger A, Burton AC, Clegg B, Dell S, Delsink A, Dickerson T, Dloniak SM, Druce D, Frank L, Funston P, Gichohi N, Groom R, Hanekom C, Heath B, Hunter L, DeIongh HH, Joubert CJ, Kasiki SM, Kissui B, Knocker W, Leathem B, Lindsey PA, Maclennan SD, McNutt JW, Miller SM, Naylor S, Nel P, Ng'weno C, Nicholls K, Ogutu JO, Okot‐Omoya E, Patterson BD, Plumptre A, Salerno J, Skinner K, Slotow R, Sogbohossou EA, Stratford KJ, Winterbach C, Winterbach H, Polasky S 2013. Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence. Ecology Letters 16 635-641
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Conserving large carnivores dollars and fenc.pdf 297.75 KB
Tsalyuk M, Kelly M, Getz WM 2017. Improving the prediction of African savanna vegetation variables using time series of MODIS products. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 131 77-91
Augustine BC, Royle A, Murphy SM, Chandler RB, Cox JJ, Kelly MJ 2019. Spatial capture-recapture for categorically marked populations with an application to genetic capture-recapture. Ecosphere 10 (4) e02627
Palencia P, Rowcliffe JM, Vicente J, Acevedo P 2021. Assessing the camera trap methodologies used to estimate density of unmarked populations. Journal of Applied Ecology
Gilbert NA, Clare JD, Stenglein JL, Zuckerberg B 2020. Abundance estimation of unmarked animals based on camera-trap data. Conservation Biology 35 (1) 88-100
Loonam K, Ausband DE, Mitchell MS, Robinson HS 2020. Estimating abundance of an unmarked, low‐density species using cameras. The Journal of Wildlife Management
Kambatuku JR, Cramer MD, Ward D 2011.   Intraspecific competition between shrubs in a semi-arid savanna. Plant Ecology 212 701-713
Faulkner KT, Spear D, Robertson MP, Rouget M, Wilson JRU 2015. An assessment of the information content of South African alien species databases. Bothalia 45 (1)
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SAdatabases.pdf 1.8 MB
2012. Kavango Goat Density, 2012.
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Kavango goat density 126.49 KB
2012. Kavango Cattle Density, 2012.
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kavango cattle density 296.69 KB
Bester FV 1998. Major problem - Bush species and densities in Namibia. Agricola 10 1 - 3
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Major problem_Bush species and densities in Namibia_1998.pdf 1.87 MB
2006. Production systems Southern regions.
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Production_Systems_Southern_Region.pdf 954.59 KB
Burnham KP, Anderson DR, Laake JL 1981. Line transect estimation of bird population density using a Fourier series. Studies in Avian biology 6 466 – 482
2004. Population densities in 1991, Botswana.
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People 154.37 KB
Andrews P, Pringle H, Zimmermann I 2017. Could critical Australian insights illuminate rangeland management in Namibia?. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 1-6