Vocal behaviour of Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus can be used to estimate population density
Publication Year:
Four common calls of the Greywing Francolin Francolinus africanus are described acoustically, and their functions discussed. Data from 166 crepuscular call count surveys (2 472 counts) and 540 diurnal call counts were analysed to investigate the temporal and meteorological effects on calling activity, and to assess the use of call counts as an index of between year and between area variation in population density. Calling remained at high levels from August to April during the breeding season. Calling was most frequent at sunrise and sunset. Calling frequency and the number of calling coveys were significantly higher at sunrise than at sunset. Calling was concentrated in the 30 minute periods straddling sunrise and sunset, and peaked during the 15-minute periods before sunrise and before sunset. Calling activity was negatively correlated with wind speed and positively correlated with relative humidity. Calling was spuriously negatively correlated with seasonal variation in Greywing population density and strongly positively correlated with between year and between area variations in population density. We therefore suggest that call counts collected during March-April could be used to index annual change in the population density in a particular area from year to year, as well as within-season variation among areas.
Publication Title:
Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology
Item Type:
Journal Article

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