Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Zimmermann J, Higgins SI, Grimm V, Hoffmann J, Linstäder A 2010. Grass mortality in semi-arid savanna: The role of fire, competition and self-shading. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2010) 1-8
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Grass mortality in Semi_arid savanna.pdf 267.58 KB
Günster A 1995. Codon royenii - a multiseasonal desert plant. Cimbebasia 14 23-30
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Gunster-1995-Codon.pdf 2.52 MB
Joubert DF, Zimmermann I, Winschiers-Theophilus W, Fendler J 2010. Poster Presentation: An expert system for bush encroachment in Namibia.
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Control of Invasive Woody Species_Poster Presentation_2010.pdf 171.42 KB
Strohbach BJ, Jankowitz WJ 2012. Phytosociology of the farm Haribes in the Nama-Karoo biome of southern Namibia. Koedoe - African Protected Area Conservation and Science 54 (1) 1-13
Ruredzo TJ 1992. Documentation and use of data in genebank management. Dinteria 23 55-59
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Dinteria_23_1992_7_0.pdf 552.43 KB
Graz P 1992. Forestry germplasm in Namibia. Dinteria 23 116-117
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Dinteria_23_1992_15.pdf 259.84 KB
Malithano D 1992. FAO Global System for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources. Dinteria 23 38-49
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Dinteria_23_1992_5.pdf 1.59 MB
Pienaar JC 1992. The role of tissue culture in plant genetic resources. Dinteria 23 142-144
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Dinteria_23_1992_18.pdf 550.67 KB
Kamau HN 1992. Germplasm exploration and collection. Dinteria 23 50-54
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Dinteria_23_1992_6.pdf 473.1 KB
Eiseb E, Giess W, Haacke WHG 1991. A Preliminary list of Khoekoe (Nama/Damara) Plant Names. Dinteria 21 17-30
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A Preliminary list of Khoekoe Plant Names_1991.pdf 1.34 MB
Rumrich U, Rumrich M 1991. Diatomeen auf Pflanzen in der Namib. Dinteria 21 8-16
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Dinteria 21_1991_2.pdf 609.55 KB
Zizka G 1989. Das isolierte Verkommen von Melinis ambigua Hackel in Namibia. Dinteria 21 3-7
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Dinteria 21_1991_1.pdf 518.4 KB
Wessels DCJ 1989. Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. I. The chasmoendolithic habitat. Dinteria 20 3-22
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Dinteria_20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Zizka G 1987. Die Gräsergattungen Rhynchelytrum und Tricholaena in SWA/Namibia. Dinteria 19 3-25
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Dinteria_19_1987_1.pdf 2.07 MB
Musselman LJ, Visser JH 1987. Hydnora johannis in Southern Africa. Dinteria 19 77-82
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Dinteria_19_1987_4.pdf 764.33 KB
Gaff DF, Giess W 1986. Drought resistance in water plants in rock pools of Southern Africa. Dinteria 18 17-36
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Dinteria_18_1986_2.pdf 1.92 MB
Müller MAN 1984. Brachystelma blepharanthera Huber - rediscovered after 70 years. Dinteria 17 81-82
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Dinteria_17_1984_2.pdf 179.96 KB
Nordenstam B 1982. The Brandberg revisited. Dinteria 16 3-5
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Dinteria_16_1982_1.pdf 423.54 KB
Giess W 1982. Zur Verbreitung des Tabaks in Südwestafrika Nicotiana africana Merxm.. Dinteria 16 11-20
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Dinteria_16_1982_3.pdf 1.58 MB
Leach LC 1982. A new species of Euphorbia from the Namib, South West Africa. Dinteria 16 27-32
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A new species of Euphorbia from the Namib_SWA.pdf 707.33 KB
Leach LC 1976. Euphorbia (Tetracanthae) in Angola and northern Kaokoland. Dinteria 12 1-35
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Dinteria_12_1976_1.pdf 5.27 MB
Robinson ER, Giess W 1974. Report on the plants noted in the course of a trip from Lüderitz Bay to Spencer Bay, January 10-21, 1974. Dinteria 10 13-17
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Dinteria_10_2.pdf 450.2 KB
Coetzee H, van der Schijff HP, Steyn E 1973. External morphology of the species of the South African Velloziaceae including a key based on external morphological characteristics. Dinteria 9 3-21
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Dinteria_9_1973_1.pdf 2.28 MB
van der Walt JJA 1973. A new species of Commiphora from the Kaokoveld (South West Africa). Dinteria 9 23-28
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A new species of Commiphora from the Kaokoveld.pdf 770.68 KB
Gaff DF 1972. Drought resistance in Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Fil.. Dinteria 7 3-7
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Dinteria_7_1972_1.pdf 507.75 KB
Merxmüller H, Cramer VJ, Lehre BRD 1969. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika. Dinteria 2 29-37
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Dinteria_2_1969_4.pdf 1.29 MB
Giess W 1970. Ein Beitrag zur Flora des Etoscha Nationalparks. Dinteria 5 19-55
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Dinteria_5_2_0.pdf 5.16 MB
Giess W 1974. Beobachtungen zur Südwester Flora. Dinteria 10 35-44
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Beobachtungen zur Suedwester Flora_1974.pdf 1.45 MB
Giess W 1970. Moringa ovalifolia die boom van die sprokieswoud in die nasionale Etoshawildtuin. Dinteria 5 57-58
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Dinteria_5_3.pdf 186.86 KB
Giess W 1970. Die Verbreitung von Moringa ovalifolia Dinter und Berger in Südwestafrika. Dinteria 5 59-64
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Dinteria_5_4.pdf 634.28 KB
Kolberg H 2012. Relocation of Adenia pechuelii (Passifloraceae) - a viable rescue option?. Dinteria 33 12-26
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Relocation of Adenia pechuelii.pdf 968.36 KB
Burke A 2013. Plant species of the Naute Game Park - an annotated inventory. Dinteria 33 3-11
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Plant species of the Naute Game Park.pdf 1.15 MB
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2003. Making the most of your marula trees.
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Making the most of your marula trees.pdf 809.42 KB
Centre for Research Information Action in Africa South African Development and Consulting (CRIAA SA-DC) 2007. Project Duras. Information for Namibian stakeholders in the Kalahari Melon Seed industry.
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DURAS info pamphlet.doc 52 KB
Rügheimer S, Klaassen ES, Kwembeya EG 2010. Hoodia in Namibia.
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Hoodia_booklet_0.pdf 4.32 MB
Kativu S, Bjora CS, Kwembeya EG, Klaassen ES, Nordal I 2012. Flora of Namibia: Anthericaceae.
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Flora of Namibia Anthericaceae.pdf 5.8 MB
Jarvis A Harvesting Ximenia poster.
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ximenia_poster_revised_lowres FINAL.pdf 1.51 MB
Flora of Namibia Project - What Hoodia species is it?.
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Hoodia_poster_1.jpg 205.56 KB