Species belonging to the animal kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 696 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mosepele K, Moyle PB, Merron GS, Purkey DR, Mosepele B 2009. Fish, Floods, and Ecosystem Engineers: Aquatic Conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. BioScience 59 (1) 53-64
1987. Lugsensus Kaudom: August 1987.
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Lugsensus Kaudom_ August 1987.pdf 2.38 MB
Craig GC 2000. Survey of Khaudum/Tsumkwe, Sept. 2000: Preliminary results.
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Survey of Khaudum Tsumkwe.pdf 1022.78 KB
Barnes J, Lange G-M, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli P, Katoma T, Amupolo H, Lindeque P, Erb P 2004. Preliminary evaluation of the wildlife stocks in Namibia: Wildlife asset account.
Ray JC 1995. Civettictis civetta. Mammalian Species 488 1-3
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Civettictis civetta.pdf 831.43 KB
Bennett AF, Huey RB, John-Adler H, Nagy KA 1984. The parasol tail and thermoregulatory behavior of the Cape ground squirrel Xerus inaurus. Physiological Zoology 57 (1) 57-62
Waterman JM, Herron MD 2004. Xerus princeps. Mammalian Species 751 1-3
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751_Xerus_princeps.pdf 0 bytes
Stander PE, Stander J 1988. Characteristics of lion roars in etosha National Park. Madoqua 15 (4) 315-318
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Characteristics of lion roars in etosha National Park.pdf 1.01 MB
Demasius E 2014. On Big Foot's trail through the Hoanib River, September 2013. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 25-27
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On Big Foots trail through the Hoanib River_September 2013.pdf 374.05 KB
Thomson N 2008. Observations at a Termite "Take-Away". Lanioturdus 41 (1) 19-20
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Observations at a termite take away.pdf 105.21 KB
Woodroffe R, Ginsberg JR, MacDonald DW, IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group 1997. The African Wild Dog - Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.
Channing A 1993. A new grass frog from Namibia. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Dierkunde 28 (3) 142-145
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A new grass frog from Namibia_1993.pdf 1.41 MB
Irish J 2012. Biodiversity scoping study for EPL 2902.
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Biodiversity scoping study for EPL 2902_2012.pdf 1.08 MB
Stapelberg H, van Rooyen MW, Bothma J du P, van der Linde MJ, Groeneveld HT 2008. Springbok behaviour as affected by environmental conditions in the Kalahari. Koedoe 50 (1) 145-153
Siegfried WR 1980. Vigilance and group size in Springbok. Madoqua 12 (3) 151-154
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Vigilance and groupo size in Springbok.pdf 420.04 KB
Koeler CE, Richardson PRK 1990. Proteles cristatus. Mammalian Species 363 1-6
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Proteles cristatus.pdf 731.15 KB
Tilson R, von Blottnitz F, Henschel J 1980. Prey selection by spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Namib Desert. Madoqua 12 (1) 41-49
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Prey selection by spotted hyaena_Namib Desert.pdf 602.58 KB
Penzhorn BL 1988. Equus zebra. Mammalian Species 314 1-7
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Mammalian Species_Equus zebra.pdf 913.3 KB
Dixon JEW 1975. A note on the burrows used by the hare Lepus capensis. Madoqua 9 (2) 45-46
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A note on the burrows used by the hare Lepus capensis_1975.pdf 142.8 KB
Hofmeyr JM, Lenssen J 1975. The capture and care of eland Taurotragus oryx oryx (Pallas) using the boma method. Madoqua 9 (2) 25-33
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The capture and care of eland.pdf 1.46 MB
Hofmeyr JM 1981. The use of haloperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic in game capture operations. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 52 (4) 273-282
Hofmeyr JM, Luchtenstein HG, Mostert PKN 1977. Capture, handling and transport of springbok and the application of haliperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic. Madoqua 10 (2) 123-130
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Capture_handling_transport of springbok.pdf 1.17 MB
Kingswood SC, Kumamoto AT 1997. Madoqua kirkii. Mammalian Species 569 1-10
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Madoqua Kirkii_1997.pdf 1.31 MB
Tilson RL, Tilson JW 1986. Population turnover in a tonogamous antelope (Madoqua kirki) in Namibia. Journal of Mammalogy 67 (3) 610-613
Dempster ER, Perrin MR, Downs CT 1999. Gerbillurus vallinus. Mammalian Species 605 1-4
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Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 468.3 KB
Dempster ER, Perrin MR 1991. Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus and G. setzeri. Madoqua 18 (1) 51-53
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Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 1.31 MB
Scheepers JL, Gilchrist D 1991. Leopard predation on giraffe calves in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 18 (1) 49