A series of measures required to maintain or restore the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna and flora at a favourable status. (Source: ECHO1)

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Displaying results 651 - 700 of 1316 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Damm GR 2008. Recreational Trophy Hunting: “What do we know and what should we do?”. Best Practices in Sustainable Hunting – A Guide to Best Practices from Around the World 5–11
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Best practices in sustainable hunting.pdf 1.22 MB
Norton-Griffiths M 2007. How many Wildebeest do you need. World Econonomics (8) 41-64
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How many Wildebeest do you need.pdf 5.56 MB
Kay CE 2009. Kenya's wildlife debacle: The true cost of banning hunting. Mule Deer Foundation Magazine (27) 22-27
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Kenyas wildlife debacle.pdf 2.48 MB
Lescuyer G, Ngouhouo Poufoun J, Defo L, Bastin D, Scholte P 2016. Does trophy hunting remain a profitable business model for conserving biodiversity in Cameroon?. International Forestry Review (18) 108-118
Heffelfinger JR 2017. Inefficiency of evolutionarily relevant selection in ungulate trophy hunting. The Journal of Wildlife Management (82) 57–66
Lindsey PA, Balme GA, Funston PJ, Henschel PH, Hunter LTB 2016. Life after Cecil: channelling global outrage into funding for conservation in Africa. Conservation Letters (9) 296-301
Mahoney SP, Jackson III JJ 2013. Enshrining hunting as a foundation for conservation - the North American Model. International Journal of Environmental Studies (70) 448-459
Felton S Making a killing, making a living.
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Making a killing making a living.pdf 58.91 KB
Roe D, Mulliken T, Milledge S, Mremi J, Mosha S, Grieg-Gran M 2002. Making a killing or making a living? Wildlife trade, trade controls and rural livelihoods. (6)
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Making a killing or making a living_2002.pdf 54.95 KB
Crosmary W-G, Côté SD, Fritz H 2015. The assessment of the role of trophy hunting in wildlife conservation. Animal Conservation (18) 136-137
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The assessment of the role of trophy hunting.pdf 94.5 KB
LaRocco A 2016. The comprehensive hunting ban: strengthening the state through participatory conservation in contemporary Botswana. The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa
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LaRocco 2016 The comprehensive hunting ban in Botswana.pdf 664.12 KB
Brink H, Smith RJ, Skinner K, Leader-Williams N 2016. Sustainability and Long Term-Tenure: Lion Trophy Hunting in Tanzania. PLoS ONE (11) e0162610
Palazy L, Bonenfant C, Gaillard JM, Courchamp F 2012. Rarity, trophy hunting and ungulates. Animal Conservation (15) 4-11
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Rarity_trophy hunting and ungulates.pdf 258.67 KB
Grill B 2015. Die guten Jäger. (36/2015) 92-94
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Spiegel 36-2015 Die guten Jaeger Namibia.pdf 1.14 MB
Fischer A, Weldesemaet YT, Czajkowski M, Tadie D, Hanley N 2015. Trophy hunters' willingness to pay for wildlife conservation and community benefits. Conservation Biology (29) 1111-1121
Grimm U 2008. Trophy hunting for endangered species. Best Practices in Sustainable Hunting 17–19
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Trophy hunting for endangered species.pdf 239.26 KB
McNamara T, Claasen C, Descubes I 2015. Trophy Hunting in Namibia: Controversial but Sustainable?. A Case Study of "Hunters Namibia Safaris".
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Trophy hunting in Namibia.pdf 616.83 KB
van Schalkwyk DL, McMillin KW, Witthuhn RC, Hoffman LC 1991. The contribution of wildlife to sustainable natural resource utilization in Namibia: A Review. Sustainabilit (2) 3479-3499
Child B 2011. The sustainable use approach could save South Africa’s rhinos. South African Journal of Science (108) 21-25
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The sustainable use approach could save South Africas rhinos.pdf 284.42 KB
Lindsey PA, Frank LG, Alexander R, Mathieson A, Romanach SS 2007. Trophy hunting and conservation in Africa: Problems and one potential solution. Conservation Biology (21) 880-883
Sullivan S 2002. How sustainable is the communalizing discourse of 'new' conservation?: the masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling 'conservancies' of Namibia.. Conservation and mobile indigenous peoples: displacement, forced settlement and sustainable development 158-187
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How sustainable is the communalizing discourse of new conservation.pdf 307.87 KB
Biggs D, Holden MH, Braczkowsk A, Cook CN, Milner-Gulland J, Phelps J, Scholes RJ, Smith RJ, Underwood FM, Adams VM, Allan J, Brink H, Cooney R, Gao Y, Hutton J, Macdonald-Madden E, Maron M, Redford KH, Sutherland WJ, Possingham P Breaking the deadlock on ivory: An iterative process that recognizes different value systems may help to protect elephants. Science (358) 1378-1381
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Biggs et al 2017 Science ivory taboo.pdf 1.76 MB
Muntifering JR, Linklater WL, Naidoo R, !Uri‐≠Khob S, Preez PD, Beytell P, Jacobs S, Knight AT 2018. Sustainable close encounters: integrating tourist and animal behaviour to improve rhinoceros viewing protocols. Animal Conservation
Greater Sossusvlei-Namib Landscape association 2018. Oryx, Springbok and Hartmann's Mountain zebra tracking data.
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GSNL Wildlife Monitoring database_final.xlsx 5.45 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2017. Strategic Plan 2017/2018 - 2021/2022.
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71f_MET Strategic Plan 2017 2018 2021 2022.pdf 7.92 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2015. Poaching should be considered a Priority Crime. (2)
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Poaching should be considered a Priority Crime.pdf 26.32 MB
Huntley BJ, Beja P, Pinto PV, Russo V, Veríssimo L, Morais M 2019. Chapter 18: Biodiversity Conservation: History, Protected Areas and Hotspots. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 495-512
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Biodiversity Conservation_History_Protected Areas and Hotspots.pdf 476.39 KB