Precipitation in the form of liquid water drops with diameters greater than 0.5 millimeter. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 360 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Li B, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Li L, Seely MK 2016. The impact of rainfall on soil moisture dynamics in a foggy desert. Plos ONE 11 (10) e0164982
Niddrie R 2010. Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season. Lanioturdus 43 (4) 14-15
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Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season.pdf 269.2 KB
Stengel HW 1963. Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese - Water Affairs in S.W.A..
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Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese.pdf 30.9 MB
Marker ME 1981. The geomorphological significance of some central Namib materials. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 35 49-55
Loris K, Jürgens N, Veste M 2001. Zonobiom III: Die Namib-Wüste im südwestlichen Afrika (Namibia, Südafrika, Angola). In: Sustainable land use in deserts. Sustainable land use in deserts 441-498
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Die Namib Wueste im SW Afrika_Teil1_2001.pdf 42.96 MB
Kaiser E, Beetz W 1919. Die Wassererschließung in der südlichen Namib Südwestafrikas. Zeitschrift für praktische Geologie 11/12 165-186
Manning N, Seely M, Botes A 2002. Proceedings of the ELAK, Basin management workshop.
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Proceedings ELAK Basin Management Workshop.pdf 16.25 MB
Wilkinson MJ 1988. Arid landscapes. The geomorphology of Southern Africa. 78-102
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Arid landscapes_The geomorphology of Southern Africa.pdf 13.14 MB
Jensen RAC 1973. A comparative study of bird breeding ecology in the Namib Desert Park and adjacent higher rainfall areas of central South West Africa. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 6-7
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A compatative study of bird breeding ecology_1973.pdf 250.96 KB
Amwele E, Ausiku AP, Lugambo AK, Toivo E, Bernhardt H, Fillemon I, Israel K, Rodrick M, Moses M, Mkwetu M, Isaac N, Ntandozenkosi N, Ndahafa SM, Veronica S, Nandjamba TD 2004. Water balance, use and management in the Omaruru Basin.
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Water balance_use and management in the Omaruru Basin.pdf 5.07 MB
Andreas J 2015. Trends of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) yields under climate variability conditions in Oshana Region, Namibia. International Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution 2 (4) 49-62
Immelmann K, Immelmann G 1968. Zur Fortpflanzunsbiologie einiger Vögel in der Namib. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 19 329 - 339
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Zur Fortpflanzunsbiologie einiger Voegel in der Namib.pdf 6.03 MB
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Brain C, Voigt CC 2013. Dietary plasticity of generalist and specialist ungulates in the Namibian Desert: A Stable Isotopes Approach. Plos ONE 8 (8) e72190
Garstang M, Davis RE, Leggett K, Frauenfeld OW, Greco S, Zipser E, Peterson M 2014. Response of African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) to seasonal changes in rainfall. Plos ONE 9 (10) e108736
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Response of African Elephants to seasonal changes in rainfall.pdf 2.41 MB
Cunningham P 2016. Encounters with common warthogs along the B1 highway in north-central Namibia. Ecology and Conservation, Suiform Surrounding 14 (2) 32-37
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Warthog_Suiform Soundings 14 2 32_37_1.pdf 2.88 MB
Stengel HW 1964. The rivers of the Namib and their discharge into the Atlantic. Part 2: Omaruru and Ugab. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 30
1966. The Ugab River. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 30 19-27
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The Ugab River.pdf 1.3 MB
Calunga P, Haludilo T, Mendelsohn J, Soares N, Weber B 2015. Vulnerability in the Cuvelai Basin, Angola.
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Vulnerability in the Cuvelai basin Oct 2015 new.pdf 26.54 MB
Gamble FM 1980. Rainfall in the Namib Desert Park. Madoqua 12 (3) 175-180
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Rainfall in the Namib Desert Park.pdf 344.76 KB
Directorate Disaster Risk Management 2011. Report on national response to the 2011 flood disaster.
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Flood_2011_Final_Report.pdf 1.17 MB
Burke A, Cooper T, Noli D 2004. Initial results determining spatial and temporal patterns of rainfall in the Sperrgebiet, South-West Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 52 117-122
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Burke-Cooper-Noli-2004.pdf 1.98 MB
Harris GW, Wienhold FG, Zenker T 1996. Airborne observations of strong biogenic NO x emissions from the Namibian savanna at the end of the dry season. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 101 (D19) 23707-23711
Stander PE, Nott TB, Mentis MT 1993. Proposed burning strategy for a semi-arid African savanna. African Journal of Ecology 31 (4) 282-289
Rundel PW, Cowling RM 2013. Biodiversity of the Succulent Karoo. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Second Edition 485-490