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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 854 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Wolter K, Whittington-Jones C, West S 2007. Status of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) in the Magaliesberg, South Africa. Vulture News 57 24-31
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Status of Cape Vultures in the Magaliesberg_2007.pdf 91.72 KB
Naidoo V, Wolter K, Cuthbert R, Duncan R 2009. Veterinary diclofenac threatens Africa's endangered vulture species. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 53 205-208
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Veterinary diclofenac threatens Africas endangered vulture species.pdf 213.33 KB
Naidoo V, Venter L, Wolter K, Taggart M, Cuthbert R 2010. The toxicokinetics of ketoprofen in Gyps coprotheres: toxicity due to zero-order metabolism. Arch Toxicol
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The toxicokinetics of ketoprofen in Gyps coprotheres.pdf 337.16 KB
Naidoo V, Wolter K, Espie I, Kotze A 2011.  A Vulture rescue and rehabilitation in South Africa: an urban perspective. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 82 (1) 24-31
Naidoo V, Wolter K, Espie I, Kotze A 2012. Lead toxicity: consequences and interventions in an intensively managed (Gyps coprotheres) vulture colony. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (3) 573-578
Wolter K, Mundy P, Dube M 2013. Short communications, notes and reports: Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon. Vulture News 65 37-39
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Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon.pdf 162.66 KB
Monadjem A, Wolter K, Neser W, Kane A 2014. Effect of rehabilitation on survival rates of endangered Cape vultures. Animal Conservation 17 52-60
Wolter K, Neser W, Hirschauer MT, Camina A 2016. Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breeding status in southern Africa: monitoring results from 2010–2014. Ostrich DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2016.1179689
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Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breeding status in southern Africa.pdf 546.86 KB
Kane A, Wolter K, Neser W, Kotze A, Naidoo V, Monadjem A 2016. Home range and habitat selection of Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres in relation to supplementary feeding. Bird Study DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2016.1214105
2015. Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar: Looking Toward the Future. Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2015 - "Looking Towards the Future"
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Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2014.pdf 402.11 KB
Smith K, Webster K 2015. Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2015 - "Looking Towards the Future". Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar 2015 - "Looking Towards the Future". October 26th to 28th, 2015
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Proceedings of the Vulture Seminar_2015.pdf 811.84 KB
Ludynia K, Jones R, Kemper J, Garthe S, Underhill LG 2010. Foraging behaviour of bank cormorants in Namibia: Implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research 12 (1)
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Foraging behaviour of bank cormorants in Namibia.pdf 756.04 KB
Kohler SA, Connan M, Hill JM, Mablouké C, Bonnevie B, Ludynia K, Kemper J, Huisanem J, Underhill LG, Cherel Y, McQuiad CD, Jaquemet S 2011. Geographic variation in the trophic ecology of an avian rocky shore predator, the African black oystercatcher, along the southern African coastline. Marine Ecology Progress Series 435 235-249
1982. The White-rumped sandpiper in southern Africa. Lanioturdus 17 (10-12) 4
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The White_rumped sandpiper in southern Africa.pdf 153.79 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Weisstorch in Afrika. Lanioturdus 17 (10-12) 2
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Protection of White Stork in SWA.pdf 130.65 KB
Schütz E 1981. Vom rechtlichen Schutz des Weisstorchs in Afrika. Lanioturdus 17 (7) 1-3
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The legal protection of the White Stork in Africa.pdf 208.27 KB
Clinning CF 1981. Turnstone ringing in South West Africa. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 16 (11) 1-2
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Turnstone ringing in South West Africa.pdf 152.5 KB
1980. Sea Fisheries branch ringing programme. Lanioturdus 16 (3-4) 2
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Sea Fisheries branch ringing programme.pdf 155.92 KB
Gressmann R 1979. Fortsetzung - Beobachtungen Farm Klein-Huis, Grootfontein, SWA. Lanioturdus 14 (10/11) 4-5
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Beobachtungen Farm Klein_Huis_Grootfontein_SWA_1979.pdf 218.14 KB
Gressmann R 1978. Beobachtungen Farm Klein-Huis, Grootfontein, SWA. Lanioturdus 14 (7/8/9) 4-5
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Observations on Farm Klein_Huis_Grootfontein_1978.pdf 209.81 KB
1978. Winterortstreue beim Neuntöter (Lanius collurio). Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (7-9) 2-6
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Wintering location of the Red_backed Shrike.pdf 270.18 KB
Sydow W 1978. Ein interessanter Neunachweis. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (5-6) 3-4
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An interesting new record_Woodland Kingfisher_1978.pdf 284.76 KB
Pesch V 1978. Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne, 18-24 September 1977. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 2-3
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Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
Kolberg H, Kolberg H 1978. Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 1
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Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
1983. Habitattrennung im Winterquartier. Lanioturdus 18 (11-12) 7-8
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Habitat separation in winter quarters.pdf 232.78 KB
Arnold E 1983. Zwei Jahrzehnte Vogelbeaobachtung. Lanioturdus 18 (11-12) 2-3
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Two decades of bird watching.pdf 251.73 KB
Rookmaaker LC 1983. An early record of Agapornis roseicollis. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (11-12) 1
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An early record of Agapornis roseicollis_1983.pdf 85.37 KB
Williams AJ 1983. Atlassing in the Windhoek-Okanhandja hinterland. Lanioturdus 18 (10) 1-2
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Atlassing in the Windhoek_Okanhandja hinterland_1983.pdf 179.4 KB
1982. Thoughts on the export of wild birds - contributions. Lanioturdus 18 (7) 9-10
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Wild bird export_more comments.pdf 359.75 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Kurzmitteilung. Lanioturdus 18 (7) 8
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Short message of a black Stork sighting in the Swakop River.pdf 215.38 KB
1982. Wermuthregenpfeifer (Charadrius asiaticus) (Roberts No. 240). Lanioturdus 18 (5-6) 8
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Caspian plover_Charadrius asiaticus.pdf 153.52 KB
1982. Gedanken über den Export von Wildvögeln. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (4) 10-11
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Thoughts about exporting wild birds.pdf 219.93 KB
Williams AJ, Riekert BR 1982. The American Purple Gallinule: A new bird for Namibia/S.W.Africa. Lanioturdus 18 (4) 1-3
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The American Purple Gallinule_A new bird for Namibia_S_W_Africa.pdf 251.14 KB
Cooper J 1982. Request for information: Colour-ringed Swift Terns. Lanioturdus 18 (2-3) 6
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Request for information_Colour_ringed Swift Terns.pdf 127.78 KB
1982. 20 Jährige ornithologische Feldarbeit in Südwest. Lanioturdus 18 (1) 5-6
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20 years of ornithological fieldwork in South West Africa.pdf 265.72 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Der Namibgarten und die dort beobachteten Vögel. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (1) 1-4
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Der Namibgarten und die dort beobachteten Voegel_1982.pdf 143.58 KB
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. More birds of the Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 27 64-66
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More birds of the Naukluft Mountains.pdf 219.74 KB
Brown CJ 1993. Birds of the upper Huab catchment, Cunene Province. Lanioturdus 27 40-46
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Birds of the upper Huab catchment_Cunene Province_1993.pdf 361.59 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1993. When in doubt, check again!. Lanioturdus 27 12
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When in doubt_check again.pdf 164.77 KB
Simmons R 1993. Namibia's third national wetland bird survey, July 1992. Lanioturdus 27 9-12
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Namibias third national wetland bird survey_July 1992.pdf 315.59 KB