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Displaying results 1 - 15 of 15 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Berger J, Cunningham C, Gawuseb AA, Lindeque M 1993. "Costs" and Short-Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos. Conservation Biology 7 (4) 920-924
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Costs and Short_Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos.pdf 0 bytes
Behrens KG, Broadbent N, Galgut E, Gardner J, Molefe M 2018. Ethical considerations in the management of livestock predation. Livestock predation and its management in South Africa: A Scientific Assessment 82-105
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Livestock Predation and its management in SA.pdf 662.84 KB
Turpie J, Barnes J, de Longcamp M, Paxton M 2010. Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibia's Protected Area System.
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Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibias Protected Area System.pdf 2.72 MB
Bethune S, Mazvimavi D, Quintino M 2009. Delineation Report. 67
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Delineation Report_2009_OKACOM.pdf 1.74 MB