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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 854 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Brown CJ, Mendelsohn JM, Thomson N, Boorman M 2017. Checklist and analysis of the birds of Namibia as at 31 January 2016. Biodiversity Observations 8 (20) 1-153
2017. Black Harrier Research.
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Black Harrier Research_2017.pdf 1.52 MB
Bartlewski S 2016. Wild bird rescue. Namibia Bird News 17 8-10
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Wild bird rescue.pdf 1.23 MB
Dantu S 2016. Swakopmund Seabird Rehabilitation and Penguin Rescue Report 2015. Namibia Bird News 17 5-7
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Swakopmund Seabird Rehabilitation and Penguin Rescue Report 2015.pdf 1000.35 KB
Kolberg H 2017. Status assessment of Namibia's vultures. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 9-17
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Status assessment of Namibias vultures.pdf 1.52 MB
von Schwind H 1970. The South African National Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (8) 2-4
von Schwind H 1970. Bericht über eine Informationsreise zur SANCCOB. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (9-11) 1-3
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Bericht ueber eine Informationsreise zur SANCCOB_1970.pdf 333.81 KB
1971. Beobachtungshuettenin Walvis Bay und Swakopmund. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (5-7) 10-11
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Beobachtungshuetten in Walvisbay und Swakop.pdf 262.53 KB
Kolberg H 1971. Bekanntmachung an alle Beringer der Ornithologischen Arbeitsgruppe. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (8-10) 2-3
Philip M 1971. Gregory Jackass Penguin. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (8-10) 9-12
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Gregory Jackass Penguin_1971.pdf 505.07 KB
Elliot C 1972. The function of new ringing units. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 8 (5) 3-4
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The function of new ringing units_1972.pdf 305.39 KB
Frost PGH, Siegfried WR, Greenwood PJ, Burger AE 1973. Behavioural adaptations of the Jackass penguin to a hot, arid environment. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 3
Maclean GL 1973. A contribution to the biology of the sociable weaver in the Kalahari sandveld. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 7-9
Frost PGH 1973. The adaptions of birds for life in a hot and dry climate. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (9/10) 2-3
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The adaption of birds for life in a hot and dry climate_1973.pdf 277.19 KB
Jensen RAC 1974. Post-symposium excursion to Namib and the coast 26-28 September 1973. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (11/12) 1-2
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Excursion to the Namib and the coast_1973.pdf 177.96 KB
Harrison JA, Underhill LG, Barnard P 2008. The seminal legacy of the Southern African bird atlas project. South Africa Journal of Science 104 82-84
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The seminal legacy of the Southern African bird atlas project.pdf 177.04 KB
Altwegg R, Broms K, Erni B, Barnard P, Midgley GF, Underhill LG 2011. Novel methods reveal shifts in migration phenology of barn swallows in South Africa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Osinubi ST, Hand K, van Oijen DCC, Walther BA, Barnard P 2016. Linking science and policy to address conservation concerns about African land use, land conversion and land grabs in the era of globalization. African Journal of Ecology 54 265-267
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Policy_piece_Linking_science_and_policy.pdf 116.04 KB
Boyer D 2015. Northern Giant-Petrel: Macronectes halli. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 199-200
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Northern_Giant-Petrel_2015.pdf 478.6 KB
Kemper J, Simmons RE 2015. Cape Cormorant: Phalacrocorax capensis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 158-160
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Cape_Cormorant_2015.pdf 473.76 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Marabou Stork: Leptoptilos crumeniferus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 181-182
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Marabou_Stork_2015.pdf 513.42 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Saddle-Billed Stork: Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 179-180
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Saddle-billed_Stork_2015.pdf 458.21 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Black Stork: Ciconia nigra. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 176-178
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Black_Stork_2015.pdf 622.3 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Lesser Flamingo: Phoeniconaias minor (Phoenicopterus minor). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 170-172
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Lesser_Flamingo_2015.pdf 459.87 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Greater Flamingo: Phoenicopterus roseus (Phoenicopterus ruber). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 167-169
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Greater_Flamingo_2015.pdf 500.24 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Peregrine Falcon: Falco peregrinu. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 143-144
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Peregrine_Falcon_2015.pdf 434.67 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Red-Footed Falcon: Falco vespertinus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 141-142
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Red-footed_Falcon_2015.pdf 444.15 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Secretarybird: Sagittarius serpentarius. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 138-140
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Secretarybird_2015.pdf 539.67 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Booted Eagle: Aquila pennatus (Hieraaetus pennatus). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 133-134
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Booted_Eagle_2015.pdf 441.55 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Verreaux's Eagle (Black Eagle): Aquila verreauxii. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 130-132
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Verreauxs_Eagle_2015.pdf 590.04 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Tawny Eagle: Aquila rapax. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 127-129
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Tawny_Eagle_2015.pdf 508.84 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Pallid Harrier: Circus macrourus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 125-126
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Pallid_Harrier_2015.pdf 465.27 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Black Harrier: Circus maurus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 123-124
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Black_Harrier_2015.pdf 450.78 KB
Simmons RE 2015. African Marsh-Harrier: Circus ranivorus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 120-122
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African_Marsh-Harrier_2015.pdf 512.39 KB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ 2015. Bataleur: Terathopius ecaudatus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 117-119
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Bateleur_2015.pdf 489.87 KB
Simmons RE 2015. White-Headed Vulture: Trigonoceps occipitalis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 115-116
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White-headed_Vulture_2015.pdf 445.35 KB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ 2015. Lappet-Faced Vulture: Torgos tracheliotos. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 111-114
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Lappet-faced_Vulture_2015.pdf 487.93 KB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ 2015. Cape Vulture: Gyps coprotheres. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 106-110
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Cape_Vulture_2015.pdf 499.23 KB
Brown CJ, Simmons RE 2015. White-Backed Vulture: Gyps africanus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 102-105
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White-backed_Vulture_2015.pdf 482.46 KB
Brown CJ, Simmons RE 2015. Hooded Vulture: Necrosyrtes monachus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 100-101
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Hooded_Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus.pdf 478.83 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Egyptian Vulture: Neophron percnopterus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 98-99
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Egyptian_Vulture_2015.pdf 448.27 KB
Simmons RE 2015. African Fish-Eagle: Haliaeetus vocifer. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 96-97
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African_Fish-Eagle_2015.pdf 465.96 KB
Simmons RE, Braby RJ, Braby SJ 2015. Damara Tern: Sternula balaenarum (Sterna balaenarum). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 91-95
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Damara_Tern_2015.pdf 465.17 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Caspian Tern: Hydroprogne caspia (Sterna caspia). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 88-90
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Caspian_Tern_2015.pdf 481.06 KB
Simmons RE 2015. Hartlaub's Gull: Chroicocephalus hartlaubii (Larus hartlaubii). Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 86-87
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Hartlaubs_Gull_2015.pdf 421.24 KB
Simmons RE 2015. African Skimmer: Rynchops flavirostris. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species 83-85
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African_Skimmer_2015.pdf 483.72 KB