
Any animal lacking a backbone, including all species not classified as vertebrates. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 63 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Michaelsen W 1914. Reisebericht - Die Küste und das Meer. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Land- und Süßwasserfauna Deutsch-Südwestafrikas - Ergebnisse der Hamburger deutsch-südwestafrikanischen Studienreise 1911 5-53
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Travel log.pdf 39.52 MB
Couri MS, de Carvalho CJB, Pont AC 2012. Taxonomy of the Muscidae (Diptera) of Namibia: a key to genera, diagnoses, new records and description of a new species. African Invertebrates 53 (1) 47-67
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Taxonomy of the Muscidae_Diptera_of Namibia.pdf 274.14 KB
Kensley BF, Penrith MJ 1977. Biological survey of Sandvis 1: Introduction and faunal list. Madoqua 10 (3) 181 - 190
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Biological survey of Sandvis_1977.pdf 766.99 KB
Irish J 2012. Biodiversity scoping study for EPL 2902.
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Biodiversity scoping study for EPL 2902_2012.pdf 1.08 MB
Heatwole H 1996. Foraging: The Acquisition of Energy. Energetics of Desert Invertebrates 35-116
Southgate RI, Masters P, Seely MK 1996. Precipitation and biomass changes in the Namib Desert dune ecosystem. Journal of Arid Environments 33 (3) 267-280
Irish J 2007. Invertebrate assessment of the area EPL 2218. 16 pages
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Invertebrate assessment of the area EPL 2218.pdf 451.16 KB
Crawford RJM, Shannon LV, Pollock DE 1987. The Benguela ecosystem. Part IV. The major fish and invertebrate resources. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 25 353-505
Linder HP, Strebel PM, Crowe TM 1980. Island biogeography and the "Acacia" clumps at the Nxai Pan, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 12 170-173
Mateus O, Callapez PM, Polcyn MJ, Schulp AS, Gonçalves AO, Jacobs LL 2019. Chapter 4: The Fossil Record of Biodiversity in Angola Through Time: A Paleontological Perspective. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 53-76
Lamoral BH 1979. The scorpions of Namibia (Arachnida: Scorpionida). Annals of the Natal Museum (23) 497-784
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The scorpions of Namibia.pdf 20.91 MB
Newlands G, Cantrell AC 1985. A Re-Appraisal of the Rock Scorpions (Scorpionidae: Hadogenes). Koedoe (28) 35-45
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A Re_Appraisal of the Rock Scorpions.pdf 4.56 MB
Beier M 1996. Ergänzungen zur Pseudoscorpioniden-Fauna des südlichen Afrika. Annals of the Natal Museum (18) 455-470
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Erganzungen zur Pseudoscorpioniden_Fauna des sudlichen Afrika.pdf 971.85 KB
Attems C 1928. The Myriopoda of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum (26)
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The Myriopoda of South Africa 1928.pdf 35.19 MB
Picker MD, Samways MJ 1978. Faunal diversity and endemicity of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa - A first assessment. Biodiversity and Conservation (5) 591-606
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Faunal diversity and endemicity of the Cape Peninsula.pdf 4.62 MB
Pickford M, Mocke H, Segalen L, Senut B 2016. Update of the Pliocene fauna of the Ekuma Valley, Etosha, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 17 113-142
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Update of the Pliocene fauna of the Ekuma Valley_Etosha.pdf 3.03 MB
Pickford M, Mocke H, Senut B, Segalen L, Mein P 2016. Fossiliferous Plio-Pleistocene Cascade Tufas of Kaokoland, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 17 85-112
Shivute L 2012. Egg banks of the freshwater systems of Namibia.
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Egg banks of the freshwater systems of Namibia.pdf 455.35 KB
Clausnitzer V, Dijkstra KDB, Koch P, Boudit JP, Darwall WRT, Kipping J, Samraoui B, Samways MJ, Simaika JP, Suhling F 2012. Focus on African freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (3) 129-134
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Dragonfly diversity Frontiers_April2012.pdf 915.34 KB
Rossouw L, Avenant MF, Seaman MT, King JM, Barker CH, du Preez PJ, Pelser AJ, Roos JC, van Staden JJ, van Tonder GJ, Watson M 2005. Environmental water requirements in non-perennial systems.
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Environmental water requirements non perennial systems_2005.pdf 14.59 MB
Greyling T, Irish J 2010. NAMDEB ORM LOM EIA: Invertebrate assessment.
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Namdeb ORM LOM - Invertebrate Assessment.pdf 407.8 KB
Curtis B, Roberts KS, Griffin M, Bethune S, Hay CJ, Kolberg H 1998. Species richness and conservation of Namibian freshwater macro-invertebrates, fish and amphibians. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 447 - 466
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Curtis et al freshwater macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians.pdf 288.49 KB