game (animals)

Wild animals, including birds and fish, hunted for sport, food or profit. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 1135 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Paterson B 2003. IRAS - From information management to knowledge creation.
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IRAS.ppt 426.5 KB
Anderson J, Estes R, Holmes J, Morkel P, Walker JF, van Heerden P 2010. Recent milestones in the efforts to save the Giant Sable in Angola.
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Milestones_in_the_efforts_to_save_the_giant_sable.pdf 253.64 KB
Fritz H, Duncan P, Gordon IJ, Illius AW 2002. Megaherbivores influence trophic guilds structure in African ungulate communities. Oecologia 131 (4) 620-625
Lindsey P, du Toit R, Pole A, Romanach S 2008. Savé Valley Conservancy: A Large-Scale African Experiment in Cooperative Wildlife Management. Evolution and innovation in wildlife conservation in southern Africa Chapter 11 163-184
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Lindsey et al_ 2008_ Save Valley Conservancy.pdf 1.54 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2007. Government Notice No. 204: Declaration of an area as a national park: Bwabwata National Park. 4
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Gazette Bwabwata_2007_CapriviGP_1968_Mahango_1989.pdf 3.2 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2002. Government Notice No. 112: Amendment of the Boundaries of the Ai-Ais Hot Springs Game Park. 3-4
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Gazette Ai-Ais Hot Springs_1968_1969_1988_2002.pdf 4.95 MB
Beyer W, Bellan S, Eberle G, Ganz HH, Getz WM, Haumacher R, Hilss KH, Kilian W, Lazak J, Turner WC, Turnbull PCB 2012. Distribution and Molecular Evolution of Bacillus anthracis Genotypes in Namibia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6 (3) e1534
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Distribution and evolution of anthrax in Namibia.pdf 798.36 KB
Hipondoka MHT, Mauz B, Nande EMH, Bezuidenhout J 2013. Reconnaisssance survey of radioisotopes in soil and possible impact on seasonal anthrax outbreak at ENP Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia 2 (1) 59-69
Huntley BG, Matos EM 1994. Botanical diversity and its conservation in Angola. Strelitzia 1 53-74
1987. Lugsensus Kaudom: August 1987.
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Lugsensus Kaudom_ August 1987.pdf 2.38 MB
Craig GC 2000. Survey of Khaudum/Tsumkwe, Sept. 2000: Preliminary results.
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Survey of Khaudum Tsumkwe.pdf 1022.78 KB
Barnes J, Lange G-M, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli P, Katoma T, Amupolo H, Lindeque P, Erb P 2004. Preliminary evaluation of the wildlife stocks in Namibia: Wildlife asset account.
Penzhorn BL 1988. Equus zebra. Mammalian Species 314 1-7
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Mammalian Species_Equus zebra.pdf 913.3 KB
Hofmeyr JM, Lenssen J 1975. The capture and care of eland Taurotragus oryx oryx (Pallas) using the boma method. Madoqua 9 (2) 25-33
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The capture and care of eland.pdf 1.46 MB
Hofmeyr JM 1981. The use of haloperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic in game capture operations. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 52 (4) 273-282
Hofmeyr JM, Luchtenstein HG, Mostert PKN 1977. Capture, handling and transport of springbok and the application of haliperidol as a long-acting neuroleptic. Madoqua 10 (2) 123-130
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Capture_handling_transport of springbok.pdf 1.17 MB
Scheepers JL, Gilchrist D 1991. Leopard predation on giraffe calves in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 18 (1) 49