economic development

The state of nations and the historical processes of change experienced by them, the extent to which the resources of a nation are brought into productive use; the concept of development subsumes associated social, cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 43 of 43 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Lange G-M 2009. Natural capital, total wealth and sustainable development in Namibia.
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Discussion paper no 42.pdf 190.88 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Namibia statistical report 2006 & 2007.
von Maltitz G, Haywood L, Mapako M, Brent A 2009. Analysis of opportunities for biofuel production in sub-Saharan Africa. 1 - 16
Debenham F 1952. The Kalahari today. Geographical Journal 118 (1) 12-21
2002. Gini co-efficient.
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Gini 143.89 KB
Manrai LA, Lascu D-A, Manrai AK 2019. A study of safari tourism in sub-Saharan Africa: An empirical test of Tourism A-B-C (T-ABC) model. Journal of Business Research (In Press, Corrected Proof)
von Richter W, Taylor M 1976. Ecological principals in economic development. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 300-306
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Ecological principals in economic development_1976.pdf 5.28 MB
Turton AR, Ashton P 2008. Basin Closure and Issues of Scale: The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex. Water Resources Development 24 (2) 305-318
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Basin Closure and Issues of Scale Turton and Ashton.pdf 314.6 KB
Polus A, Kopinski D, Tycholiz W 2015. Ready or not: Namibia as a potentially successful oil producer. Africa Spectrum 50 (2) 31-55
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Ready or not_Namibia as a potentially successful oil producer.pdf 311.16 KB
Barnes JI, Humavindu MN 2003. Economic Returns to land-use Options in Gondwana Cañon Park, Karas, Namibia.
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jwwREPGondwana Land Use final.pdf 1.25 MB
Mendelsohn J, Shixwameni L, Nakamhela U An overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia: Unlocking its Economic Potential.
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Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia.pdf 418.86 KB
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast Chapter 6: Economic Resources and Activities. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures 134-165
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Namibias_coast_6_2012.pdf 21.75 MB
Loots S 2005. Important Plant Areas in Namibia.
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Spotlight_089.pdf 4.56 MB
Takavarasha T, Uppal J, Hongo H 2005. Feasibility Study for the production and use of Biofuel in the SADC Region.
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SADC Biofuels study final report Sept 2005.pdf 818.22 KB