
The system of activities and administration through which a society uses its resources to produce wealth. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 10 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Johnson PG 1976. Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 235 - 243
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Wildlife as a basis for future tourism development_1976.pdf 4.06 MB
Shaw PA 1983. Fluctuations in the level of Lake Ngami: The historical evidence. Botswana Notes and records 15 79 - 84
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Fluctuations in the level of Lake Ngami_The historical evidence.pdf 1.02 MB
Lange G 2003. The value of Namibia's commercial fisheries.
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Research Discussion Paper 55_2003.pdf 164.86 KB
Barnes JI, Schier C, van Rooy G 1997. Tourists' willingness to pay for wildlife viewing and wildlife conservation in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 15_1997.pdf 133.11 KB