1) Genetic diversity: the variation between individuals and between populations within a species; species diversity: the different types of plants, animals and other life forms within a region; community or ecosystem diversity: the variety of habitats found within an area (grassland, marsh, and woodland for instance. 2) An umbrella term to describe collectively the variety and variability of nature. It encompasses three basic levels of organisation in living systems: the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Plant and animal species are the most commonly recognized units of biological diversity, thus public concern has been mainly devoted to conserving species diversity. (Source: WRES / GILP96)

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Displaying results 501 - 550 of 574 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Turpie J, Barnes J, de Longcamp M, Paxton M 2010. Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibia's Protected Area System.
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Sustainable Financing Plan for Namibias Protected Area System.pdf 2.72 MB
MDG 7 - Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability.
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MDG7 Namibia.pdf 445.41 KB
Curnutt J, Lockwood J, Luh H-K, Nott P, Russell G 1994. Hotspots and species diversity. Nature 367 326 – 327
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Hotspots and species diversity.pdf 480.57 KB
Ehrlich P 1998. The loss of diversity: causes and consequences. Biodiversity 21-27
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The loss of diversity_causes and consequences.pdf 192.74 KB
World Resources Institute (WRI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 1992. Global biodiversity strategy: World Resources Institute.
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Global biodiversity strategy.pdf 223.2 KB
McNeely JA, Miller KR, Reid WV, Mittermeier RA, Werner TB 1990. Conserving the world's biological diversity.
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Conserving the worlds biological diversity.pdf 8.45 MB
Simmons RE, Griffin M, Griffin RE, Marais E, Kolberg H 1998. Endemism in Namibia: Patterns, processes and predictions. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 513 - 530
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Endemism in Namibia_patterns processes and predictions_1998.pdf 736.41 KB
Maggs G, Kolberg HH, Hines CJ 1994. Botanical diversity in Namibia - an overview. Strelitzia 1 93 - 104
Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Robertson A, Simmons RE 1998. Bird diversity. Biological diversity in Namibia: a country study 155-162
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Bird Diversity_1998_Brown et al.pdf 7.15 MB
Barnard P, Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Roberts A, van Rooyen L 1998. Extending the Namibian protected area network to safeguard hotspots of endemism and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 531 - 547
1998. Index. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study
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Index.pdf 6.14 MB
1998. Appendices 1-13. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 306-325
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Appendices 1_13.pdf 19.92 MB
1998. Chapter 6. Future priorities, research needs and actions - 6.4 Conclusion. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 303-305
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6_4 Conclusion_1998.pdf 5.03 MB
1998. Chapter 6. Future priorities, research needs and actions - 6.3 Other priority actions. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 301-303
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6_3 Other priority actions_1998.pdf 4.38 MB
1998. Chapter 6. Future priorities, research needs and actions - 6.2 Research priorities. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 300-301
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6-2 Research prioties_1998.pdf 2.71 MB
1998. Chapter 6. Future priorities, research needs and actions - 6.1 Introduction. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 299-300
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6_1 Introduction_1998.pdf 3.22 MB
1998. Chapter 5. Environmental legislation in Namibia - 5.8 Conclusions and the way forward. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 294-297
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5_8 Conclusions and the way forward and references_1998.pdf 6.07 MB
1998. Chapter 5. Environmental legislation in Namibia - 5.7 Other aspects of CBD. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 292-294
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5_7 Other aspects of CBD_1998.pdf 4.52 MB
1998. Chapter 5. Environmental legislation in Namibia - 5.6 Innovative methods to conserve biodiversity. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 289-292
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5_6 Innovative methods to conserve biodiversity_1998.pdf 6.11 MB
1998. Chapter 5. Environmental legislation in Namibia - 5.4 Pertinent obligations under the CBD. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 281-283
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5_4 Pertinent obligations under hte CBD_1998.pdf 5.35 MB
1998. Chapter 5. Environmental legislation in Namibia - 5.2 Threats to biodiversity in Namibia. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 280
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5_2 Threats to biodiversity in Namibia_1998.pdf 1.49 MB
1998. Chapter 4. Economics of biodiversity conservation in Namibia - 4.6 Conclusions and recommendations. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 274-278
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4_6 Conclusions and recommendations and references_1998.pdf 6.71 MB
1998. Chapter 4. Economics of biodiversity conservation in Namibia - 4.2 Introduction. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 228-237
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4_2 Introduction_1998.pdf 18.44 MB
1998. Chapter 4. Economics of biodiversity conservation in Namibia - 4.1 Overview. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 227
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4_1 Overview_1998.pdf 1.57 MB
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.7 The outlook for marine biodiversity. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 220-226
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3-7 The outlook for marine biodiversity and references.pdf 9.34 MB