animal foodstuff

Any crops or other food substances for animal consumption. (Source: MGHa)

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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stolter C 2018. What is quality for a ruminant? A short introduction to the meaning of plant chemical composition measurements. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 197-199
Marius LN, Osafo ELK, Mpofu IDT, Lutaaya E, Shiningavamwe KL, Missanjo E, Attoh-Kotoku V 2019. Effect of Vachellia erioloba and Dichrostachys cinerea pod supplementation on performance of does and kids of Namibian Caprivi and Ovambo indigenous goats. South African Journal of Animal Science (48) 917-924
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Vachellia erioloba and Dichrostachys cinerea pod supplementation.pdf 141.69 KB
Honsbein D, Shiningavamwe KL, Iikela J, de la Puerta Fernandez ML 2018. Encroacher bush to animal feed - viability of bush based feed production in Namibia.
Honsbein D, Shiningavamwe K, Iikela J, de la Puerta Fernandez ML 2017. Animal Feed from Namibian Encroacher Bush.
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Animal Feed from Namibian encroacher bush.pdf 2.65 MB
von Seydlitz H 2001. Buying feed safely.
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Buying feed safely_2001.pdf 2.64 MB
von Seydlitz H 2002. Feed microscopy.
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Spotlight_052.pdf 2.64 MB
Berry HH, Louw GN 1982. Seasonal nutritive status of wildebeest in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 13 (2) 127-139